So this news to do with a bomb shelter and gold resonated with me today. Especially as the blog is featured on is the 'Charleston Voice'. Charles link to England, this land of Joseph, ton is to do with the spiritual law featured in the 2011 crop circles. Voice to do with our healing meditations and I do have about 700 CD's if anyone would like a copy.
As a man that goes under the avatar name Richard Eldritch wrote: "Also it wasn't 'found' as it was never lost. It was placed there as the ex-canteen used to be a bomb shelter for the bank of england staff, and it has walls made 3 metre thick concrete'.
£156 billion of gold bars were stored deep below the streets of the capital of London. 4,600 tons of the gold, piles of 28lb 24-carat gold bars stacked on simple blue shelves. The colors of the blue and gold do resonate with me as they were the colors given for our first website 'Angels Healing Trust'. [2] How life has changed since that blessed time.
So let us look at the soferim of the numerical correspondence.
156 is the Hebrew gematria value of JOSEPH. Voice, Zion, Horse, Wing, King, Reign, Pillar. [3]
As we know daughter ZION was born on this land of Joseph, she was also born in the Chinese sign of the horse, does that relate to Rev 19 and the rider? In Judaism it is the acharit, the flying horse, the last.
In Indian spirituality it is the Lord Kalki that comes to bring an end to the darkness of the Kali Yuga.
As we know the one that was made a pillar in the temple of the LORD is also mentioned in Rev 3.
The scripture tells you that the one that was victorious and overcome was put upon his throne to reign over the creation of theos.
24 carat gold is to with the 24 elders in the book of Revelation and they all have a harp. That links to the 'Harp of Faithfulness' that was predestined to come in this timeline of the last days of the end times.
4,600 Tons is to do with the spiritual law and as we know we are in the Saturn in Libra transit until October. 46 is also the Hebrew gematria value of 'hundred'. 'elohiym', 'child', 'LORD', 'glory', 'heart'.
In Greek it is righteous. [4] In the NT 100 is related to reaping what people have sown. As Jesus said 'What you give will come back to you 30, 60 or 100 fold'. That also links into the Malachi prophecy about elohiym, the Messenger of the Covenant.
I was 46 years old when the healing mediation was launched in the UK. It was a success immediately on launch and it was featured in the Daily Mail and Normandie Keith wrote 'one of the very best meditations'.
Ram that created the bible wheel quotes Isaiah 46 and calls it 'The Idols Stoop'. As we know the Christians made Jesus into an idol. The Jewish people made Rabbi's into idols and Muslims did the same with their prophet. You will also see the link on the bible wheel between 24 + 46. [5] "They stoop, they bow down together; they could not deliver the burden, but themselves are gone into captivity."As we know Muslims bow down together in the streets of France. Their religious leaders could not deliver the 'beasts of burden' and that is why they went into the captivity of religion. The same with the Christians in their Churches, Rabbis in their synagogues, and Hindus in their temples.
Isaiah 46 also speaks of Jacob and it is giving the Jewish Rabbi's the same message that Jesus delivered to them. That is the orthodox that laden the people down with the burden of orthodoxy, and Jesus told them that stopped the people from entering the kingdom of heaven.
The eye of the needle is very small there is no room for luggage. Hence, people are required to shed what they carry and that is why Jesus told them that you have to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven. He was asking them to heal their childhoods, to heal the root causes of the core issues; so that they could attain true freedom from the elemental forces that control them and the direction that humanity was taking.
From life experience I know that it is when people do the 'inner child' healing work on self and re-parent their own 'inner child'. That is when true forgiveness and the opening of first gateway of the heart comes to be. 'The depth of your forgiveness determines the depth of your love' from Sacred Words. During the healing work your energies become more aligned, that part of you that impacts on your emotions and what you attract in life experience, matures emotionally and spiritually. The more that you peel back the layers; until you reach your purest essence of being. The more that your view of life changes in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law and physics of the cosmos. Emotional chaos is removed and resplendent happiness and peace comes to be in the first heaven.
That is why he told his followers that nature is the holy scroll. Within yourselves you can find it, all the pages of your book of life. All of the deeds of yourselves and others that have impacted upon what you have become. The record of all of the words that you retain in your consciousness. It was predicted that a new language would come to be, and only the 144,00 can hear the new song in this timeline. Why is this necessary? Intentions, thoughts, words and deeds, impact on your consciousness, your health, prosperity and world views.
Sometimes when sharing we have to keep on repeating the message until the people finally get it. Hence, the importance of this blog and what we have shared in the public domain for decades. As Matthew 24 ordains; when this testimony is shared with the nations then the end will come. The end of the world as you have known it.
Ram than mentions Psalm 46 and he has called it 'Heathens Rage'. [6]As we know Psalm 46 was read out on 9/11, by Obama and that told me that they know that I am here. The LORD's anointed, his elohiym, the Psalm also tells you that it is a woman. As such the men and their partners that did not wish to accept, as such they raged against her and when they did that they raged against the LORD who sent her. One American Christian even spoke of 'calling off the dogs'. I hope that 'Low Six' is well, I have not seen him around recently.
One man said to me 'You are not Jesus Christ', I confirmed that he is correct. I am not Jesus Christ. I am unique and Jesus is my friend. However, the LORD did call me Krishna and that has a wonderful energetic correspondence. Krishna is all about energy and how it flows. Perhaps thats why the Hindu Gita resonates with my heart, just as much as the teachings delivered by Jesus Christ. All for one and one for all. When people know themselves, then they know and understand the spiritual philosophy of other nations and cultures. Jesus was correct when he spoke of the different rooms in his Father's mansion. Only those people that have had the willingness to let go of their comfort zones, and attachments get to visit them and divine experience counts.
28lb, my son Jordan was born on the 28th of January and that is the 'Day of Outstanding Achievements'. A bundle of joy weighing 8.13 arrived, 8 for spiritual transformation and 13 the Hebrew gematria for love and one. The date of my birthday 13. It surely was the most wonderful birthday present when his light arrived in my life with so much love to give.
That reminds me when the Holy Mother gave me the mystics blue rose a couple of years ago and the blue rose is for 'achieving the impossible'.
There are times when it feels like all that I have come to do is impossible and they made a film called 'Mission Impossible'. However, at the same time I know that the LORD and his Son are with me.
I know that there are people all over the world praying for me, she did find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow of hope. She knows that she is not alone and that the children hear her voice. As do grown men and women in many different realities, when the people turn to her for help; she always responds when they come from the pure intention of the heart of integrity.
The integrity of Joseph will reign supreme, it is the only way if you wish for the fish to remain.
There was also a crop circle in 2011 with gold bars and I called the crop circle 'Gold Bullion Crop Circle'. [7] Do read the original post on the gold bullion because it shares the Christ teachings on the parable to do with the gold.
What else does the color gold relate to?
Rev 12 the wondrous woman from heaven that is dressed in the (golden) sun, in Psalm 45 she is wearing the golden gown that was gifted to her by the Princess. That was worn on the second mission to Israel as instructed for the delivery of the covenant for the children on the 9th of September 2007. 999. In the ELIAKIM fresco painted by Michelangelo she also has the golden gown on her lap.
Now that brings us to message from the LORD when he said '9.73 is what really counts' and as we know wisdom was called to do the count.
The LORD also gave this message:
The LORD God said "You are the one that is undefined so they cannot define you, you are indefinable. Those that know, know you are everywhere all at that same time, you are one of a kind. If you give them everything that you have to give, will they value you? Have they valued you up to now?, what did they give? Shame is upon them, they did not know, they missed the show my little Jo.' Please see the original post for the full message from the LORD [8]
Love beyond measure
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