Monday 13 February 2012


It does make you wonder what has become of the world when there is a Bulgarian Portuguese president of Brazil instead of a Brazilian. Dilma like other leaders in Latin America have all been experiencing cancer, yet they still did not get the message. Dilma had cancer in her left armpit. [1]Armpits are to do with toxins that are not being released. No surprise that she has been doing deals with Obama in March 2009, a month later she revealed that she was undergoing hospital treatment.

"The new president of Brazil, has given approval to build a huge hydroelectric plant (the third largest in the world). It is the death sentence for all the people near the river because the dam will flood 400,000 hectares of forest. More than 40,000 Indians will have to find another place to live. The natural habitat destruction, deforestation and the disappearance of many species is a fact."

While the Dilma smiles, the indigenous peoples of the world cry due to her actions. 

This comment was also posted in response to the story. "It's even worse than that. This picture is about 6 weeks old. Since then, they have sent the army and military police in there and have dragged women and children screaming out at gunpoint!. This is the worst shame I have seen in the five years I have been in Brazil and that is saying something!" 

Does Dilma Rousseff have any idea that she is standing against the will of the LORD and his blessed ones? Does she have any idea that in the teachings of the bible, Dilma is one of the 'Wicked'? The wicked were those that did not honor nature, the natural environment and the people that live there. 

So much for the celebrities protecting the rain forests. The more deforestation there is the faster the land and man dies. Easter Island all over again. Let me know when people are ready to build New Jerusalem in the Americas and do the will of the LORD. 

You shall be judged Dilma Rousseff, you shall leave the indigenous peoples on their land, you shall not allow any dam to be built or any forests to be destroyed. For if you do not heed the words of the Messenger of the Covenant, judgement will come upon you and Brazil. 


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