Wednesday 15 February 2012

Media ask for a Miracle

Well I must admit I am enjoying all of this. Now the media are asking for a miracle. Journalist Allison Pearson from the Daily Telegraph wrote 'The Church of England is on course to disappear from these isles within three generations, unless there's a miracle. She also wrote the following:

"My guess is the interviewer found the subject hideously embarrassing. Too uncool for words. The fact that Gould, a brilliant moderniser of the Left, had chosen to be confirmed into the sad old Church of England! These days, celebrities can confess to pretty much anything – drugs, facelifts, deforestation of the front bottom – but when it comes to religious belief suddenly everyone squirms and studies their shoes. Homosexuality is no longer the love that dare not speak its name, Oscar; now it’s Christianity". 

I really like your wit Allison, 'Britain has gone from God-fearing to God-jeering'. The riots and fires didn't do it then? Not even burning down Athens? Or the snow, or the floods, or the biblical plague of frogs, apples, planes and rockets falling out of the skies? No. oh dear, perhaps the LORD would like to give the people a good shaking, to wake them up. Or would you rather have the proof that he really does exist? The last time I asked the LORD to give proof to the people, 5 million trees burned down on Mount Carmel, so I won't ask him again. However, miracles we can do when people are ready to accept them. 

Allison also mentions the Islamic Baroness Warsi who is in the news again due to her visit to the Vatican this week. Apparently, Warsi warned that British society is 'under threat from a rising tide of 'militant secularization'. Is that any surprise? When Islam has invaded our shores and Muslims are being given titles such as 'Baroness' and a seat in the cabinet? You can be sure of this, that Warsi is not doing what she is doing for Christians, she is doing it for Islam. Its all part of the strategy. 

On the same day a Muslim girl was attacked by her siblings for simply having a kiss. Is the Vatican going to help you with that Warsi? No, best you seek within your own religion and get your own house in order, before you talk about those that are secular. I will defend the secular in the same way that I defend the spiritual. They have the divine right to be who they wish to be. However, Islam does not have a divine right to this blessed land of Joseph, so best you get that message loud and clear. 

Now what else is happening? Oliver Stone's son has become a Muslim while filming in Iran. He thinks he can have it all. Big smiles! Ever heard of those that betray their own souls? Faithfulness means just that, being faithful, it doesn't mean that you jump into bed Islam. Son of Oliver Stone no less, the bible mentions the Sons of Jacob that become adulterers and adulterate their own souls in the process. 

Ever seen an orthodox Jewish wedding? Check this out, it looks like a funeral. [2]Haven't we had enough of wearing mourning yet? I must admit I do like the Indian way of wearing white for a funeral, it is so much more uplifting and gracious walking in the light of love. 

The LORD does like the 'Daily Telegraph', it reminds him of our blog. Big smiles! 

All in good Spirit, can you feel it? 




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