Friday 3 June 2011


I rather like this crop circle that arrived just before the 'Down the Nose' partial solar eclipse, it arrived on the 3oth of May, 2011. We posted some information about it in the 'TWO SUNS' post, along with everything else that I felt was important to share that day. This is the first opportunity that I had to revisit it, to expand upon the information that I feel that it holds. The value of 30 in Hebrew gematria is LAMED and the Rabbi's say 'It is the heart that understands'. In Divinity it is 30 levels of Kingship, and 30 categories of the tzadikim in the world to come. [1]

In the ancient pictographs it is a picture of a shepherds staff that looks like a letter J. J for JOSEPH. It is to defend the innocent and gentle, tender hearted lambs from predators. Moses also had a staff, and I was given the first staff in 1999 that I had to leave in Australia, and the second one in 2000, after we returned to England. 

30th of May was the 'Day of Independence' in numerology, and that links into September 2007, Independence Park and the covenant for the children. It is 'Meditation' and we gave our healing meditation CD's to some of the people that we met in Israel on both missions.

5th month, five is the number of manifestation on the earth plane and like the lamed it is about 'teaching and learning'. It is also associated with JUPITER and Sagittarius. On the 4th of June astrologically, we move into Jupiter in Taurus and Jupiter is about expansion of horizons. Taurus is about the homeland and Sagittarius is my ascendent sign, the archer that is the traveller. In this FOUR year of the Chinese Year of the Rabbit of leaps and bounds. Please see our other blog for more info on the Jupiter transit that will impact for the next year. 

Energetic date is 354 and in Greek gematria that is the value of  'God, Good, Holy'. 
Photograph courtesy of Lucy Pringle, Crop Circle Connector. 

On first viewing, I saw on the right the necklace of Joseph that also appeared in the 2010 crop circles. We also have the Vesica Pisces sacred geometry and an eclipse. There are four main parts to the crop circle in this year of four.

When I first saw this crop, I felt that this crop circle was to do with the eclipse on the 1st of June, and the RIVER NILE DELTA,  Egypt, ASWAN dam gateway opening on the 4th of June, 2011. The Children of the NILE. As we know, the Greeks had a big involvement in Egypt. They even moved their crowning glory, mathematical library from Athens to Alexandria. The same day that this crop circle turned up, there was some news of an ancient Egyptian papyrus from 1850BC, and it is about the works of geometry. 

The other side of the eclipse we have two sides. On one side we have the symbology of the golden necklace of JOSEPH and a united EGYPT. I also see the four levels being symbolic of Karnac Temple that was built over a 4,000 year period. Can you imagine building one site for that length of time? It is the Egyptology that unites Egypt, it is the ancient history of their homeland that unites them, and keeps them connected to their ancient spiritual roots.

On the other side we have ISRAEL that is divided into sections, and water between Israel and Egypt.  I see six sections that are Jewish and four sections that are Islamic. How can that be right? If all Israel is meant to be one UNITED country, one Jewish nation. Clearly, it isn't what most of the world think it is, Israel is in parts, it is fragmented and not a whole. How can one run a country successfully like that? We know from experience, that one cannot please all of the people all of the time. 

Jordan is a whole nation and united as a Palestinian state, that is their country. That is the homeland that that they were given.


The Crop was found on 'Hackpen Hill'. Pen can be viewed in different ways, and hack could also be to do with hackers, what do hackers do? They chop up land.

In England, people that ride horses also go for a hack, and at Hackpen Hill there is a WHITE HORSE, the white horse is also featured in Revelation chapter 19. In the field where the White Horse is, there is also three horses that graze there, and that makes four. The rider is here with her pen in hand.

Some people live in 'pens' in the menagerie, like living in stalls of division. I am feeling Suez Canal, the other side of the eclipse. JOSEPH unites Israel and Egypt because Joseph saved the Egyptian people from starvation. God also raised Egypt up this year as a testimony for JOSEPH and this was written in the biblical prophecies. The LORD's Prophet and Teacher of Righteousness. His Messenger of the Covenant. 

Hackpen Hill is also Nr Wroughton.  The word WROUGHT means 'past, past tense'. WROUGHT ON = PAST ON. Those that hack the hills of Israel, is due to what as been past on to them, as their version of an historical past. However, that does not make it truth because 'Perception is an illusion that as no basis in reality'. This is also the second crop circle this season at Wroughton and surely that as some significance because the season as only just begun. 

I also see the shofar in the crop circle on the left and the pieces of Israel. The shofar was sounded for me when I was taken to  Elijah's Cave (2007) by a humble Jewish stall holder. God chose the truly humble hearted again to receive the blessing. His wife asked when I would return to Israel and my host told her that we had other work to do in the USA at that time. 

After we first saw this crop circle, the Anonymous group had put out a message to NATO. So there is bound to be more coming with the Anonymous hackers very soon.

I always find the energy of solar eclipses very powerful, its going to be a powerful month with three eclipses in close succession between now and the 1st of July.

After I finished writing about the crop circle the other day, Abba said 'DWARF' and that reminds me of an old story to do with Trinity/Michael and their war. Trinity and Michael both defended Israel. However, they allowed their differences to come between them instead of be a united team. I feel its the same with Israel, the people within Israel are not a united front and that is what is dwarfing Israel and causing it to decrease in size. Its already a tiny sliver of land, half the size of England and now Obama and his supporters, support chopping it up even more. 

I can tell you now, that chopping up Israel will not bring peace to the Middle East, because the PLO plan to take over all Israel. That as been the Islamic intention, ever since the nation of Israel was reborn. 

I see 17 pieces to this crop circle and 17 is the number of the STAR of VENUS. The eight pointed star, the morning star and Venus is to do with the feminine. Venus is also symbolic of LOVE. The Sacred Star of LOVE that was sent to Israel in harmonic concordance with the biblical prophecies. The LORD returned with his HESED, just like the LORD returned with her to Egypt as well. Twice to Egypt and twice to Israel = 4.

The descendent of JOSEPH that was promised to Moses is here. Right here. 

Love beyond measure everybody, its time to put the children first. 

Children above politics and above religions. 

When you can all do that then the LORD will hear your plea. 



Anonymous said...

Hello Eliakim--yes, this Crop Circle is quite phenomenal! Like I've mentioned before, it has to do with the Three Children of Egypt, of the Nile River. The Vesica Piscis Child from Australia, the Shofar Child from Libya, and the Echo Child from the U.S.A. All Three Children are then joined within the Circle of the Moon-Their Mother--Me.

The 'Vesica Piscis Child' also relates to 'John and Mary Magdalene.' Joseph of Australia is also known as,'John.' The creation of this Daughter was pure and without stain of any kind. A 'Miraculous Conception,' for which the Royal House of David is known for.

The 'Shofar Child' is of Libya, the Land of Green. The Creation of this Child is the same as the Vesica Pisces Child. Yes, this Child has elements of Israel AND Egypt, and the River. In my Case, Israel=Libya and Egypt=Egypt. Libya and Egypt, together. Both Countries have Great Significance. This Child belongs to Muammar, and is of His Lineage. There is the Shofar, yes, and denotes the Jewish Lineage of Muammar. I suspect a 'Levite Heritage' in him, which also equates to 'The Heart,' 'Lev' means 'Heart.' And perhaps, even 'Kohanim,' This Child is about 'Sounding Forth,' being a 'Voice.' Also note, the Crescent Moons, which directly relates to Islam. See, there IS a joining of Islam to Israel, in this sense. And the River? Yes! The Great Nile River, in Egypt, AND the Great Man-Made River Project (GMR) in Libya--destined to be the 8th Wonder-of-the-World!

The 'Echo Child' is of the U.S.A. This Child will also be a Voice, to Sound Forth. Again, note the Crescent Moons, which denote Islam. Similar, in-a-way, to the Shofar Child.

'Joseph-Tzadikim' Crop Circle--yes! We have Three Joseph's in this Crop Formation:
1. Joseph, the husband of Mary,
2. Joseph of Arimathea, and
3. Joseph, the 11th Son of Jacob.

'Tzadikim' means, the 'Righteous Ones.'
A Tzadikim is also known as one who "...embodies and channels the Divine flow of BLESSINGS to the world..." Also, Kimberly (me) is a Female 'TzadiKIM,' a 'Tzedakah.'

These Holy Children lovingly request for their 'Blessing' to come forward and continue God's Holy Work to proceed. Without this Special 'Blessing,' everything halts and waits, because everything pivots upon this. This is a Most Special and Divine 'Blessing' to the Highest Degree, and is very Special to me, Kimberly. Come Forth, Divine Blessing, come forth from God...

Peace and Blessings...

With all of my Love,
The Supreme Queen al-Kimiyah

Eliakim said...

As Abba said 'Lotus Feet turns up the heat. The planes are burning down'.

So what is dying in OHIO?

EARTH WORMS a biblical plague thereof.

Proving to you Anonymous that there is only one. The rest will burn if they stand against this reality and try to take her crown.

The biblical prophecies predict that the USA will become stubble. It is the land of ESAU.

Only the seed delivered by this right hand can help them. Why is that? It is for the glory of my LORD and HESED for his people Israel.

You can write as much as you like Anonymous. However, it will make no difference because as the LORD said 'There is only one contender, the rest are pretenders.

Onwards and upwards.

Eliakim said...

Here is a funny story about the hackers. Uploaded by Daniel Pipes on the 2nd of June.

The British intelligence service MI6 hacked Inspire, an online Al-Qaeda English-language magazine produced by al-Awlaki, and … well, let Duncan Gardham, security correspondent for the Daily Telegraph tell it:

The cover of an earlier issue of Al-Qaeda's English-language "Inspire" magazine.

When followers [of Al-Qaeda] tried to download the 67-page colour magazine, instead of instructions about how to "Make a bomb in the Kitchen of your Mom" by "The AQ Chef" they were greeted with garbled computer code. The code, which had been inserted into the original magazine by the British intelligence hackers, was actually a web page of recipes for "The Best Cupcakes in America" published by the Ellen DeGeneres chat show.

Eliakim said...

Three top anonymous hackers arrested in Spain.