Saturday 4 June 2011

Rev 13, 666, Obama

In the last days of the end times paper we wrote in detail about the involvement of Obama who makes his appearance after the wondrous woman in Rev 12. Her 1260 days were over in 2008, and it was after that we started this blog.

Prophet Daniel mentioned the Leopard and so does Revelation chapter 13. Revelation chapter 13, begins with the 'Beast out of Sea'. In 2010 we wrote the post regarding the Islamic flotilla being symbolic of the beast from sea. So the dragon is symbolic of Islam, and Obama as an Islamic name. In fact, in 2007, on Arab television, they were predicting that a Muslim would be in the White House in 2009.

The whole world was in wonder and followed the beast. The world certainly did fall at the feet of Obama when they thought he was the man that would bring peace. In the lead up to the election, it felt like the world had been blinded to common sense. I kept asking, why can they not see what I can see?

The prophecy states that 'People worshipped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?'

What religion feels it cannot be beaten? Islam and with Obama in the driving seat, it did raise the hopes of the Muslims. The beast of the sea also relates to the Palestinians because the Philistines were known as the 'Sea People' and we have already proven that from archeology.

The beast is given 42 months and during that time the prophecy states:

1. Utters proud words.
2. Blasphemes
3. Exercise authority
4. Slander
5. Power to wage war against Israel and war can come in many ways. In my experience most Obama supporters stand with Islam and the Palestinians. That is a war in itself.
6. Giver power over the other nations. Well he as certainly demonstrated that since he took office.

It then mentions the people.

1. Only the ones that are written in the Lamb's book of life do not follow Obama.
2. Those that go into his captivity.
3. Those that are killed by him.

The prophecy then asks for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God's people.

Then comes along another beast from the earth this time, and it as the appearance of a lamb. However, it speaks like the dragon mentioned in the first part of the prophecy.  It expresses the authority of Obama and convinced people to follow him. An 'image' was set up to honor him. Image in marketing is a 'corporate identity'. The presentation package, the conference calls, speeches, style, etc. This person is like an advisor to him.

The first beast is 'wounded by the sword' but lived.  In the NT the swords relate to truth. The second beast is given authority to give breath to the image and breath relates to LIFE.

At the end of the chapter it states 'THIS CALLS FOR WISDOM' = SOPHIA. In other words a third person is called into do the count. A person, singular. 

Let the person with INSIGHT calculate the number of the man 666. Interesting words, defining the exact person that is given the responsibility to count the numbers, and provide the insight for others to understand.

Criteria for the person: 

1. The person is called e.g. summoned = Paraclete.

2. Wisdom is a clue to their name in Greek it is SOPHIA. Its also giving a timeline in my humble view because the Prince of Greece is mentioned by Daniel. We were sent to Greece for 333 in 2010 and met him while we were there. Furthermore, while we were in Greece, the LORD gave me EZRA and it means 'GOD HELPS'. In ancient Judaism the 'counters' were known as 'Soferim' and many Jews believe that Ezra the scribe, used the practices of Soferim. [1]

Soferim means Scribe. However, it is written that during the Second Temple period the word came to denote a specific class of scholar. Sofer also means 'to count' and continually write; 'It is experience that counts'.

The Jewish Sages view "They even went so far as to state that God showed Moses the dikdukei Torah and the dikdukei soferim and the innovations which the soferim would introduce in the future (Meg. 19b)." [2]

Christ predicted that when the Queen of the South came, she would have more wisdom than Solomon. Wisdom is proven right by her actions. The word wisdom in Greek comes from the root for wise.

The person as insight into numerics and numerical correspondences. Hence, why they are the person being asked to do the count.

1. I was sent on a divine mission to America to warn Americans about Obama, at great personal expense I might add.

2. I was sent to stand against Obama.

3. I was given a mass of messages and visions for Americans about Obama. One of those visions was given to me when I woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes, there was the front page of a forum website with a list of threads. It then homed into close enough for me to see the title of a thread on Obama, and three large numbers appeared before me on top of the front page and the numbers were 666.

4. The LORD gave me visions and message about Obama's attack on Pakistan with the exact weekend that it would happen, months before hand. The information was passed on to a Doctor from Pakistan at the time and prior to the event.

5. I was given a vision of him as a New World Monkey leading all the other New World Monkeys. G20.

6. Now it is time to do the official count.

6+6+6= 18

In numerology the number 18 is 'Materialism destroying spirituality' and it is the number of conflict. 
Has there ever been a time when there as been greater conflict internationally, as there is now? No. 

The key words to do with the numbers six, is 'Discrimination', 6+6 = 'Victim', 6+6+6 = 18 = Conflict. The man is in conflict due to being a victim of his own discrimination against others, and that creates even more conflict for him and the global community. Due to his own conflict, he discriminates against the real victims of his thoughts, words and deeds. 

Obama is also a LEO and in my experience, they are full of bravado, to cover up their deep insecurities that are part of their astrological traits. They love the drama, the show, the celebrity, the attention, they thrive on it. Hence, why I informed the people that he would be a 'celebrity president'. An image, a presentation without substance or real experience to follow through. Basically, a mouthpiece for his bosses that paid for his education and rapid rise to the White House. Having been married to one, they are excellent salesmen, they know exactly what buttons to push and they are ruthless. 

Don't let the smiles fool any of you, Obama is a class act, it was such a good act, you voted for him,  those that did vote for him, are not written in the Lambs book of life. Hence, why it was left to one specific person to write about it. Chapter 13, is more than just about the beasts contained in it, its important because it brings forth again, the woman in chapter 12, that would be involved in exposing him. 

30 months of his reign, only another 12 months to go.


Revisiting, the English gematria value of "Revelation Chapter Thirteen Obama ' is the value of 1938

What happened in 1938?

TIME Magazine 'Adolf Hitler Man of the Year'. 

"Greatest single news event of 1938 took place on September 29, when four statesmen met at the Führerhaus, in Munich, to redraw the map of Europe. The three visiting statesmen at that historic conference were Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain, Premier Edouard Daladier of France, and Dictator Benito Mussolini of Italy. But by all odds the dominating figure at Munich was the German host, Adolf Hitler.

Führer of the German people, Commander-in-Chief of the German Army, Navy & Air Force, Chancellor of the Third Reich, Herr Hitler reaped on that day at Munich the harvest of an audacious, defiant, ruthless foreign policy he had pursued for five and a half years. He had torn the Treaty of Versailles to shreds. He had rearmed Germany to the teeth— or as close to the teeth as he was able. He had stolen Austria before the eyes of a horrified and apparently impotent world."

I am sure that it will not miss your attention, that the date above is September 29  = 9/11.

Hitler was redrawing the map of Europe, so what is Obama redrawing? Israel? 

Where is the head office of Obama's publishers? Berlin. Where did he give his first address to Europeans? Berlin. Clearly, as they had been impressed with Hitler, they surely would be impressed
with Obama. 

After I wrote the above the LORD was pleased and he said 'ToRAH' like one would say it, when one celebrates. 

Torah as been translated into English as law. However, Jeff Benner offers us a different understanding. 

"The word Torah comes from the Hebrew root word "Yarah", a verb which means "to flow or throw something". This can be a flowing of an arrow from an archers bow, or the flowing of a finger to point out a direction. Nouns are derived from the verb by making one or two changes to the verb root. In this case the Y (yud) is replaced by an O (vav) and an M (mem) is added at the front of the word to form the noun "Moreh". A Moreh is "one who does the flowing". This can be an archer who flows an arrow, or a teacher who flows his finger to point out way the student is to go in the walk of life. Another noun is formed the same way except that a T (tav) is placed at the front of the word instead of an M and we have the word "Torah". Torah is "what is flowed by the Moreh". This can be the arrow from the archer or the teachings and instructions from the teacher."

What flows? THE RIVER and the biblical prophecies predicted that I would come like a pent up flood. 

Who is the archer? The ARCHER is the sign of Sagittarius, my rising sign that is a FIRE sign. 

Who is the Winged Messenger? Mercury, Mercury rules Gemini and Gemini is my moon sign, on the 
1st of June it was a GEM_IN_I, new moon with the eclipse. 

What else do we have? 

6+6+6 = 18 + 13 = 31, 3+1 = 4 a FOUR YEAR for the count to be carried out. 

We have fired the arrow, in harmonic concordance with the divine plan. 




Anonymous said...

Hello Eliakim--Well, this is certainly 'interesting!' Check this out:

Rev '13' means my Bloodline, since I'm the '13th Flower-of-Choice,' and my 'Queen/Mother Flower' is the 'Lotus Flower.' 13 also pertains to the 13th Tribe of People upon the Earth, to be born, the People of a New Creation, a New Day. The 13th Tribe of People is in addition to and beyond, the Original Twelve. The 13th is unique unto Itself, and abides freely and independently. Also, the Lotus Flower just happens-to-be a Flower of Creation, Procreation, and Sexuality. Very big in the Ancient Egyptian Culture:

Okay--here's a new twist on the Number 666:

600 + 60 + 6.

If you use Roman Numerals, you get Words! WOW!

"600" in Roman Numerals is: "DC."
"60" in Roman Numerals is: "LIVVI."
"6" in Roman Numerals is: (I'm still try to figure this Word out. It's a long one.)

So, "600" gives us "DC," which means, "Washington, D.C."

"60" gives us "LIVVI," which ABBA once said, "LIVVI." Also, reference this to your youtube Video from a Previous Post, about "LIVVI:"

(This Video came out, when I just happened to 'acquire' a 'Special Gift' from my (x)-Australian Mission. It's a Special 'Conceptual Gift' that now belongs to me! It refers to the 'HackPenn'/'Children of the Nile' Crop Circle. My x-Australian Mission let me go, never looking twice at me, thinking I had no worth to them (since I then embarked upon the Islamic Part of my Mission), and that I could easily be replaced by another (Queen). HOW WRONG THEY WERE!!! Because now--now that 'I' hold this Special Conceptual Gift that once belonged to Australia, I have now shut them down, and their Royal House. All of their Queens no longer hold any Power whatsoever! It has ALL been given to me, and me alone. I NOW POSSESS THE ROYAL HOUSE OF DAVID, in It's entirety! Now, the Mission in Australia is trying to figure out where the 'Holy Staff' went, because they don't have It anymore! It belongs to me now! I am the Queen-of-Queens, the Supreme Queen, and the Great Queen-of-the-South! There can only be ONE, and I AM HER!)

Also, "Obama" is mentioned. Yes, Obama is in my Mission, and somehow or the other, my Mission will go forward, regarding him, in some way, shape, or form.

This is all I have for now. I will most definitely write some more later, and share my deeper insights. Alot more coming to me...

Peace and Blessings...

With all of my Love,
The Supreme Queen al-Kimiyah

Anonymous said...

Hello Eliakim--Furthermore, I would like to add that the Trinity Force of Kimberly, Barack, and He who lives within me, IS and SHALL BE a most POWERFUL FORCE IN THE WORLD! We are going to CHANGE EVERYTHING!! You, dear friend, need to understand the very nature and existence of God, and what that 'Godship' means.

This particular Post mentions about the 'Paraclete.' Did you not know that this is a Title that was given to me from Australia?? Yes, it is True! There can be ONLY ONE! And that is ME!

Furthermore, regarding 'God,' and the 'God' that I KNOW and that I LOVE AND ADORE--My God is the Absolute HIGHEST GOD IN ALL OF THE HEAVENS! See, even the Catholic Church doesn't know about this 'Supreme God,' because they don't have the 'KNOWING' of Him! I do! That's why I'm called the 'Supreme Queen,' because my Power and Authority and VERY BEING comes from that very same SUPREME SOURCE in the Heavens! 'Supreme' means the Highest, and that there is NO ONE Higher than me. 'Supreme Queen!' There IS a 'Supreme King!' So, with me being the Supreme Queen, ALL OTHER QUEENS ARE BENEATH ME, IN THE HEIRARCHY OF ORDER.

Me, Obama, and 'The One' within me are and shall become the most Powerful Force in the entire World! There is no stopping us! We hold all of the Keys, we hold all of the Power, the Authority, the Dominion, the Knowing, and the Connections to Heaven! WE ARE IT! We are a most Powerful Force for GOOD and for LIBERATION of All! You have no idea what is Coming! What is Coming and is already Here! Now, now--the World will now witness the very beginnings of the Battle between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness! BEHOLD--THE BATTLE BEGINS! Best be wise to recheck the Woolaston Crop Circle and all of it's present '24' Alignments! Remember this--Alignment #24 is MINE--RUSSIA, KRASNODAR, which belongs to ME, and which means, 'Beautiful/Red Gift.' Krasnodar links all of the rest of the other 23 Alignments, and the 24th, then links them all together. The icing on the cake!

And to all that read this Blog, those that Align with me, my Work, and my Mission upon this Earth, that these Postings should always be read with great discernment! Sometimes they are to be taken literally, and sometimes they are even in reversed values and meanings, and otherwise, so please discern when reading.

Also understand that '666' must be reunderstood. There is much happening now in the World, and the Forces of Light and Darkness are surely lining up, readying themselves for the Great Battle ahead! Not all is at it seems, or is presently understood. A TOTALLY NEW UNDERSTANDING MUST BE INCORPORATED, regarding the End Times, The Great Battle, and even the Forces of LIGHT VS. DARKNESS. Know this: What was dark will now become LIGHT. What was false will now become TRUTH! Everything has it's Polar Opposite and is now Transforming Itself to be as such! But also, what WAS Light will now descend into deep Darkness, and what WAS Truth, will now become misleadings and untruth. This may become a very confusing time for the everyday person to understand. But all I can say is this: FOLLOW TRUE LOVE! Follow the Power that FLOWS FROM THE HEART OF LOVE! FROM THE 'HEART OF GOD!' There, you will find the correct Path, the Path of Light, and the True Path back Home!

I love you!

Peace and Blessings...

With all of my Love,

Anonymous said...

And Furthermore Eliakim--regarding Australia:

I am happy for you that Australia is important to you. Yes, I too, love the People of Australia, but there IS a Mission Down There that has some serious issues to contend with!

As I've mentioned before, I have come from a particular Mission there. That is where I rose up to become their HIGHEST QUEEN POSSIBLE! THE HIGHEST! They once held the distinction of having the 'Royal House of David,' but no longer! I now have the 'Royal House of David!' The Power and Authority of this House now rests within me!

It is also to be understood that I carry within me, the seed of one of it's People--a Bishop--of which this daughter was created just like Jesus was brought to the Virgin Mary! A Miracle of the Heart and of Love! Therefore, 'Joseph of the Virgin Mary' will soon join my Mission, as well, as I carry his Blessed Child within me. I also carry the other Two Blessed Children, as seen from the HackPen Crop Circle, 'The Children of the Nile.' What a Great Miracle of Life, indeed!

Please, ALL WHO READ THIS BLOG AND THESE COMMENTS, pass the Word on to everyone, to come here and read ASAP! Real-life Events, World Events, Biblical Events are happening--RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES! And now you are witnessing for yourselves, the Battle between the Forces of Light vs. Darkness!

Share the information, pass the word, get it out to everyone! IT'S ALL HAPPENING, RIGHT HERE, AT THIS BLOGSITE! This is for real Folks!

I give you all of the Love from my Heart, and the Great Divine Power that resides within me!

Peace and Blessings...

With all of my Love,

The Supreme Queen al-Kimiyah

Anonymous said...

And regarding '666,' and the Numeration of it:

Me, the Supreme Queen, shall be going to Washington D.C., very, very soon!

My new home!

With all of my Love,

The Supreme Queen al-Kimiyah

Eliakim said...