Thursday 13 October 2011

BP -v- Tribes of Joseph

On the 8th of October we wrote about the judgment on Scotland. [1]Today, there as been announcement that BP have secured a 400 billion pound deal to drill more in the North Sea. That is not good when the tectonic plates and earth is shifting. The last thing any company should be doing is drilling into the earth at this point due to its impact.

There was the jellyfish warning at the nuclear reactor in Scotland this year, there have been numerous pilot whales dying and last week a 60ft rare whale died as well. I knew then when the sign of Jonah arrived in Scotland death was coming up there and judgement had begun.

In addition, some in Scotland are planning to part company with England. Could Scotland afford 400 billion on its own? Of course not. Once again David Cameron as supported the corporations instead of doing what is right for humanity, the planet and its children. Scotland, England and its Islands are in big trouble now. The tribes of Joseph were warned what will happen if they refuse to do the will of the LORD God, it will be bye bye England, bye bye Scotland and the rest of it.



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