Thursday 20 October 2011


The crimes against humanity brought about by Obama, Clinton, Cameron etc makes you wonder how they can sleep at night in their beds. When you know how many murders they have committed.

Clinton was in Libya on Tuesday. [1] Gaddafi was not even given a fair trial. I feel a great sadness for the USA because I know they will pay for what as been done.

They occupied wall street, but there were no million man marches on Washington to stop the war against Libya. If Americans had brought the USA to its knees by calling an all out strike, if they had stayed at home instead of going to work, they could have stopped the war.

On 9/11 we told the people that they were being taken for fools. During the election of Obama we warned them in advance and told them that they were being set up for the fall.

Now the USA has been set up to be burnt to the ground. The biblical prophecies predicted the twin towers, it predicted the money being taken, it predicts that the land of ESAU will become stubble due to fire, and that there will be no survivors.

The biblical prophecies predict that only Judah and the tribes of Joseph will be saved, Christ also predicted that the 'meek shall inherit the earth'. Americans still think they can do it without the help
of the one that the LORD God sent to help them.

When will you learn? When will you do the will of the LORD God, so that we can put a stop to this?

In the gospel of peace, the one known as Jesus Christ told you that if the 'Son the Man' did not come then the whole world would be destroyed. He also made it clear that he was not talking about himself and he said 'May the dark vision of the future not come to pass'. He was referring to the biblical prophecies of the prophets and what would happen.

The destruction is also mentioned in the Malachi prophecies being a result of the people not aligning their will with the will of the LORD God. It also mentions the judgement because the prophecy states that they are robbing ELOHIM. Today, is also the 20th and 20 is the number of judgement. The 20th of October is also the 'Day of Influence'.

The New Testament also mentioned the fire and the flames to do with the Church. There are more Churches in the USA than in any other country. We once said to the Americans, you have Churches on every corner and in England, the land of Joseph we have pubs.

The prophecies also predict that people from the USA will be driven out to build the new holy city of enlightenment predicted by Prophet Isaiah. They will be driven out by fire.

As the Son of God said back in December 2008, 'The Time is Nigh'. He also said that the USA was 'The House that Jack Built' and 'The Church of Satan'. With the murder of Gaddafi and the destruction that as been poured out on Libya by the USA and its NATO forces, you can understand why he feels like he does about the USA.

All I can do at this point is watch it all unfold. In the same way that we have watched the financial collapse. I know full well that no good will come of what Obama as been allowed to do to Libya. Of course, we know that there have been many people involved in this, we also know that it was Obama that was leading the charge. Hence, why Obama is the Son of Lawlessness. The man of perdition, the 3rd beast mentioned in Rev 13. The Leo the Leopard from Africa mentioned by Daniel, the Leopard that does not change its spots.

Remember it was African leaders that sold their own people to the Arabs for slavery. 140 million Africans and most of them died, due to the treatment that they received.

All the Obama supporters have blood on their own hands; and the biblical prophecies predict that they are not written in the lambs book of life. The Republicans are putting their hopes on Ron Paul, and he won't save them either.

After Obama was elected the LORD God said it was the 'Day of Woe' and the bible speaks of the seven woes. As we know seven is also a karmic number and seven years from 2009, takes us to 2016. 2016 adds up to 18 and 18 is the soferim of 'Materialism striving to destroy spirituality'.

My advice get out of the USA, better to be safe than sorry. No point complaining after the event, because clearly certain people in the USA are still not ready to return to the sacred, they chose suffering instead.

This is a sad day for America, and it brings no joy to my heart to have to write this.



1 comment:

Eliakim said...

This was just posted in response to a video on some earthquake swarm in Hawaii.

"I think the OWS disaster is a planned diversion from the actual disasters. I mean SERIOUSLY! ACORN is there, in several states chanting FOR OBAMA! It must be nice to pay a large organization to support you 4 a pay check."

269dremer 2 hours ago