Thursday 6 October 2011


I was pondering on a discussion that I had with a couple in 2006 to settle a dispute between them. I spoke to the wife first and told her that she must give her husband the freedom to network, meet people, and do what he has to do to attract customers to benefit them both. The man was a healer and massage therapist.

Then the husband was told, that he must listen to the wisdom of his wife, and take it on board and not ignore what she is saying. Nor must he think that he knows better than she does.

I told them both, that if there is no trust between them, then there is no foundation for the marriage.

The same applies to our relationship with the LORD God, if you do not trust him to do what he has to do to benefit you, then there is no marriage between you and the LORD God. For the sacred union between the lover and the beloved, there as to be complete trust in his divine love for you. There also as to be trust in her wisdom because he listens to his wife and takes what she says on board. He also acts upon it, when she speaks to him from her sincere and tender heart.

The LORD God knows that she knows,  and understands the feminine and his children. He also knows that the nurturing and qualities of a true divine mother is unsurpassed, she is a sacred co-creator with him. He knew that the right wife, would always do her utmost for the children, feed and water them at the right time. Even if that means that she as to give them discipline and correct them. Sometimes the children push the boundaries of the mother, just because they are testing the waters of just how far they can push her before she responds with the discipline.

Children like discipline in good purpose and measure, it makes them feel safe, and that someone really does care about them. It reinforces their feeling of stability and security, they like to receive the attention of the mother and both parents. If a child is not receiving enough attention and love from parents, then they will push and push to receive that attention, and the love that they so deserve.

So make sure that you give your children the utmost of your loving attention, put them first. However, also always ensure, that you make quality time for yourself as well. Self-nurturing is also extremely important. If you do not nurture yourself how can you ever know how to nurture your children?

When children push their parents they also learn about boundaries, and where the boundaries are. They start to feel powerful when they start school because now they really are branching out on their own. This is when the testing of the mother becomes even more frequent, as they're learning about a lot more realities that are different to their own.

As we can see humanity have pushed mother earth to her absolute limits, and she as responded, along with the animals and the natural world that she cares for.

If the child does not accept the discipline of the mother in speech, and through her signs, that they know and understand. After the third warning, a good mother will put the child to bed to rest. So that they wake up in a much better frame of mind and heart. When the children are tired, they can become irritable and take it out on their parents. That is the time to say no, and explain why it is no. It is simply not enough to just say 'no' to a child. A child as to come to understand why they have been sent to bed to rest, why what is happening, is happening.

Rest is good and extremely important for children and when I was a child, I never had to be sent to be bed, I honored my parents and their quality time, I just knew intuitively when it was time. Even as a toddler they would ask where as she gone, and they would find me resting in bed. In those days, children were still given milk in school and sleep time during the day, children learned that sleep was good for you. It wasn't viewed as a punishment, it was viewed as nourishment. Making sure that the children were rested,  was imperative to the exploration of their intelligence, and ability to respond in the right heart and mind.

It is the same with our planet, the planet as to be allowed to rest, the people have to be informed, so that they understand why the planet and its people are changing so much, at such a fast speed. Do humanity ever let mother earth rest? Do they let the fields rest? Do they nourish the planet on which they live?

People have to be informed about why planet earth is responding to what the people are doing to it. Why the environment is changing underneath their feet, and why the skies are responding also. Why existing governments no longer serve the people; and what is good and right for the children.

Our LORD God is the great defender, the protector of all that is sacred, holy and true. As every man should be, defending the women and children, the gentle and tender hearted. Defending their home and the ground on which they walk.

Understand the marriage between the masculine and feminine, the mystical sacred union with the divine. Understand the power of its oneness, uniqueness and the unity that comes to be, when people have aligned, unified and justified their own energies within. Understand that once the soul is purified and learns to fly divine, it goes through many heavens within, before it ascends to merge with the pure Spirit. Experience counts, and that is why wisdom was called to do the count.

Only after that are the Sons of God born as ordained to be. The Christians speak of one Son of God, like the reality never existed before. Think again, Sons of God have always existed, and the Dead Sea Scrolls speak of them.

Trust the spiritual journey, trust the divine to show you the way, trust experience that brings forth wisdom once you integrate what must be integrated. Trust the holy ones, that would never ever do anything intentionally to harm anyone.

Trust that the LORD God is doing everything he can to help the righteous at this point in time; because they will help their younger brothers and sisters, help to lead them home to the Kingdom of God.

Trust is not built overnight on the spiritual path of the highway to holiness, it takes time to truly trust the divine. Trust that is true, is built upon experience of the divine, experience of the sacred love union. When you have been given a huge amount of divine spiritual experience, plus the evidence in proof, over and over again, proof that you cannot deny any longer. You simply have to give testimony to it, for the benefit of helping others.

Speak to me of your experience of your sacred divine union. I am not interested in belief that can be disputed and replaced with all that is right and true. I am only interested in truth, that which is real, that which is natural, that which is good and holy.

Now be good children and do what is right, because all children know in their hearts what is right. Children are all born with a heart of conscience, and the world is now beginning to witness the conscience of our children coming to the fore. In every culture and nation.

It did not just begin, in the modern era it began with the flower power children, you saw the Americans were putting flowers in the mouths of guns. The children of today are the offspring of the flower power age.

In 2012, we are going towards a major saturn return. The saturn return of the righteous one, the one that is incorruptible. The one that was promised to Moses for the children, the one that was predicted by Prophet Malachi and Prophet Isaiah, they predicted that she would come for the children and with the children.

After she was born they called her smiler, they knew that she had arrived. When they saw her wearing bells on her feet and flowers in her hair, and all colors of the rainbow, they knew this was it, this was the time. The time of Joseph that the Jewish prophets had spoken of,  the 21st century was born in her wisdom. The wisdom of Sophia from the root of Jesse.

As the LORD God said 'To HE that understands the promise. There is no secret'.

Messiah Joseph


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