Sunday 9 October 2011

Food Not Bombs

The message to do with the Apple is getting stronger and stronger, with more and more messages and signs to do with the Apple. On the 7th of June, 2011 [1] again on the 30th July, [2] we shared again the message that had been received and posted here in 2010.

The LORD said "An apple a day will not save the day. Do not count on them'.

Since that time, New York cracked with a sink hole during rush hour traffic. There as been the passing of Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc. Now we have protestors giving out Apples to the protestors in the "Food Not Bombs' campaign. Its a great campaign, the man that runs it has good intentions, and a good heart. However, it is important to remind you of the words of the LORD, and the fact that these protestors are not going to save you or the USA. I remember there used to be an ad agency in London that used to have bowls of apples in their reception area.

When I was young, there was also a slogan, 'an apple a day will keep the doctor away'. 




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