Thursday 20 October 2011


In the last post 'Revelation 21, Furlong' we mentioned the numbers 40 and 800 and how it relates to New Jerusalem, the new holy city of enlightenment predicted by Prophet Isaiah.

No surprise to find these equal numbers coming up to do with Spain, as Spain was the place for the 444,  PERFECT LOVE gateway opening in April, 2011. April - October is six months,  and the number six that relates to the points of the star of david. The star that is also the sign of the Son of Man that appeared in the heavens in November 2003. This November also gives us the 8th anniversary of the Harmonic Concordance. The hebrew gematria value of the letter CHET that was given in the visions in March 2009. Chet also relates to Turkey and we wrote about it at the time.

The news from Spain is that the Basque group ETA says that its armed campaign is over.

The BBC report states "The declaration, if followed through, would bring an end to Eta's campaign of violence, which as lasted more than 40 years and killed more than 800 people.

Spain's PM said the move was 'victory for democracy, law and reason'.

What kind of law is that then? Man's law that transgresses the spiritual law of the LORD God.

Clearly, Eta can see a new way forward as they said "A new political age is opening in Basque Country.' "We face an historic opportunity to obtain a just and democratic solution to the age-old political conflict'.

What these people have always asked for is 'self-determination' much like the rest of the world is
doing and demanding.

However, as we told an NGO earlier today, it won't come to be; until the people are willing to do the will of the LORD God.

This could be the start of the break up of Spain, as more and more people start to go their own way.
On the basis of survival, you will see this more and more; governments simply do not have the solutions for the survival of humanity on this planet.

That is what they are really concerned about; they simply do not have the solutions, nor are they able to meet the demands of the people.

When that happens the chessmen, women, pawns and board all get destroyed. Much like in the time of Noah. Only those that got upon the ark, and took heed of the LORD God and his words survived what was coming to be.

People kept on asking where is the mother ship? And our response is well what support have you given to its reality coming to be?

When the people have had enough of the chessboard and the monopoly. When they can see that this is about the harsh reality of the survival of humanity on this planet. Then they will take right action that is for a cause larger than themselves. That is when the 'ERGON' that Christ spoke of comes to be.

I applaud ETA for stopping their violence, excellent. Violence never was the right way and never will be the right way to achieve social justice. For justice to be done, it has to be in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law, scientifically and passively. As the LORD God said in 2004, 'Walk two-by-two just like Noah's Ark'.

He called you to come from East and West, North and South and to fly in from all directions. At that time he also told you that there would be a solution to Jerusalem. One of his solutions is to build a new one, his holy city of enlightenment as predicted by Prophet Isaiah.

The LORD God first mentioned ETA on the 17th of December 2009. ETA is also a Greek letter and its an abbreviation for 'estimated time of arrival'. See the original post for more information. The BBC report states that there has been no violence from ETA for two years, and that would link in with when the LORD God said ETA. [3]

On the 5th of April 2010, we mentioned ETA again, and the fact that it is the same value as the mystical Tsfat in Israel. [4] It was the Basques that took care of the Jewish people when they were being persecuted and murdered in Spain. The Spanish Jews were saved by the Basques.

There is also an interesting link there between the Spanish, the Jewish people and the fact that the scientists found that King Tut of Egypt had DNA from Iberia. That means his father did as well. So was King Tut a Spanish Jew?

Anything is possible, that's why it is important to keep your minds and hearts open. As I am writing this, I am feeling that the next gateway opening in November is to do with King Tut. I remember as a child being taken to see the King Tut exhibition at the British Museum, in London when it was on tour.

In 2001, I was also blessed to go to Egypt and visit the tomb in the Valley of the Kings. So this forthcoming gateway opening in November, will certainly have an impact on the Kings and monarchies around the world. Let the legend of King Tut be a reminder to them, of what happens when people take what is not theirs to take. Remember how many people died over King Tut?

So is the new holy city of enlightenment a mystical city? Yes, ecological, self-sustainable, healing city. However, there is a lot more that will be required and that includes rescue teams, builders, and growers.
ELOHIM is the governor otherwise called ELIAKIM. She as the key of David to open and close the gateways as required. As the LORD God said 'Its heavenly management' to help the people at this time due to the huge historical transition that humanity is involved in. It is also a time of settling the disputes between nations, once and for all.






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