Wednesday 26 October 2011


First we had the post about the revelation given to King David about the Lute and the Harp. One called 'Lovingkindness' and one called 'Faithfulness'. Then we made the post on 'Perfect Faithfulness' and the 'Blessing of the Faithful' from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Then the LORD asked for the 'Golden Bowl' and 'That which is faithful and true'. That post included the children, Libya, the good shepherd, the writer-teacher.

So what else do with have on 'Faithful and True?' In the book of Numbers 'Moses is faithful in all my house.' The Psalms 'Love the LORD, all his faithful people!. The LORD preserves those who are true to him, but the proud he pays back in full. For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all that he does.

Prophet Jeremiah, the LORD is a true and faithful witness to everything his prophet does. In Timothy, it states "And for this purpose I was appointed, a herald and an apostle-I am telling the truth, I am not lying-and a true and faithful teacher of the gentiles.

Now Paul was claiming that he was the herald that was predicted to come. However, the old testament tells us different, because the herald does not come until the appointed time of the last days of the end times. The role of the herald was to deliver a particular prophecy about Islam, and the oil rich nations that are plundering the rest.

Paul also stood against women and did not exalt them like the one he promoted. It was Paul that gave the instructions on worship in 1 Timothy 2. In this text he does not accept the divine authority of a woman over man. Nor did he accept a woman as a teacher. Hence, why the Vatican did not accept female ordination or share the biblical prophecies of the woman that was predicted to come in this timeline.

As such Paul was rejecting the true teachings of the Son of God and what had been written in the Jewish texts e.g. the prophecy of Micah 4 and other Jewish prophets about the woman that would come in this timeline. So did he know that the Queen of the South had been predicted to come? Or was he innocent of the predictions of the one known as Jesus Christ?

Was Paul innocent of the prophecies delivered by Apostle John? If he knew the prophecies then Paul would have also have known that the one known as Jesus Christ, told them that he had to leave so the next person could come. Hence the words of King David in Psalm 92, about the harp coming after the lute.

The more I look at the translations of the ancient texts, the more I can see that those that became 'Christians' and 'Catholics' have been set up for the fall. The scripture tells them that their idols and gods will not save them in this timeline. It also tells the Christians that their covenant with death is annulled. The same with those from oil rich nations,  it tells them that shame will cover their glory.

That certainly happened during the Arab spring when doctors in Bahrain were being murdered while they were operating on patients. What greater shame can there be than that?

The biblical texts tell the people that only the tribes of Joseph will be saved in this timeline. In other words, those that are faithful to Joseph, the one that the LORD God sent to help humanity and especially for the children. As mentioned by Prophet Malachi, the Master of Spiritual Alchemy is here, the Messenger of the Covenant.

Paul also told the women that they would be saved in childbearing. What nonsense. Women died in childbearing in biblical times, and in the centuries that followed.

In Rev 2, a faithful witness is put to death and it is written that it happened in the city where satan lives. As we know HaSatan in Hebrew is the adversary and accuser of a faithful witness. A witness is a person that conveys the word of the LORD God that they hear him speak. However, a faithful witness can also be a witness to a holy one. A faithful witness did die, Michael died in Georgia, USA. He was also mentioned in the book of Daniel along with the Prince of Greece and that came to conclusion in 2010.

As such the book tells the people that murderers are satanic, and Michael was subject to corporate manslaughter and criminal negligence.

Hence, why the bible told the people 'Thy shall not murder'. 'Do not pollute the land with bloodshed'. Rev 2 also talks about 'Balaam and Balak' and that relates to Obama, see our previous post on that.

It also mentions Jezebel and she was Elizabeth Claire Prophet (USA) that started a church. Church Universal Triumphant, otherwise known at CUT. Her original name was Wulf, and the scripture warned the people about the wolves that come in sheep's clothing. She was the one that refused to be a widow and was married numerous times. So the New Testament was also warning about her.

Rev 2 finishes with the one that is given the authority over the nations. That was given to one that was victorious and overcome etc. Rev 3 then speaks of the 'Faithful and True' witness again. The ruler of Theos creation.

The final mention is in Rev 19, when the heavenly warrior defeats the beast and it is a time of judgement. As we know the judgement began in May 2010, when the sign of Jonah turned up in Israel for the Israeli orthodox,  as predicted by the one known as Jesus Christ. He also told them that she would have more wisdom than solomon, and that wisdom would be proven right by her actions. He told them that they would be judged by their words. Hence, why she looks at what they have written and what they say.

Rev 19, tells the people that the judgements are true and just. In the timeline we also have the floods, loud peels of thunder and smoke, that certainly relates to the USA. If you compare that with Rev 2, Rev 17, and Rev 18. The prostitute and her adulteries appear again, in my humble view that relates to Jezebel. The USA is the largest distributor of new age products globally. It holds 85% of the global market. The history of Jezebel relates to Theosophy and its roots in a Russian woman known as Helena

The chapter speaks of the wedding of the lamb and his bride was given white linen to wear. It is written that the white linen is symbolic of righteous acts of Theos holy people and the holy are healers. However, in my humble view there is a contradiction in the book of Revelation, because in chapter 15, the white linen is to do with the seven angels that release the seven plagues. The question is who are the seven plagues against?

The chapter also tells you that the beast and the false prophet were captured, who had performed the signs on its behalf. We also know that government leaders have been interfering with the weather patterns, and most of the spiritually mature have known that for decades. It is nothing new to us; we all know about HAARP. How amusing they are to call it HAARP, when King David predicted that the Harp would come in this timeline.


Rev 19, speaks of heaven and there is a white horse, whose rider is called 'Faithful and true'. As we know white is the color of purity and a horse is symbolic of freedom. Clearly, this person can ride a horse and are known for doing so. She was also born in the Chinese Year of the Horse, 13th of February, 1954. And the LORD said 'Tell them when you were born'.

I spent many days and evenings at the stables when I was a child. I would rise at sunrise, have breakfast, take my packed lunch and off I would go to the stables. I would not return home again to my parents; until the days work was done and it was time for dinner. I did it all for love and the love of horses.

I worked all weekend to earn the right to have just one ride for one hour. How many children would be willing to do that today? As a child, I took nothing for granted and everything that I was given was a blessing.

My riding clothes and boots were bought second hand at jumble sales. My riding hat was new, because it is best to have a new one. It was either a birthday or Christmas present, I do not remember which.

In Jewish mysticism the white horse as wings like pegasus and wields a sword. The sword of truth because they are the Spirit of Truth mentioned in the NT. In Jewish mysticism they are called the ACHARIT and it means the last. In other words the last one to come for the Jewish people e.g. to help Israel and its children.

In Indian spirituality, they are the Lord Kalki, that comes to bring an end to the kali yuga and there have been images of Lord Kalki coming out of the Lotus Flower seen in engravings.

The horse also relates to the vessel that lives in a heavenly state of being. It is symbolic of the chosen and  the spiritual e.g. the spiritually elect. It is the spiritually elect that become a 'Bride of Christ' and in my experience it is awesome. The Bride is not the orthodox Church as most Christians believe it is, nor is it Israel as others do.

The initiation of the bride e.g. purified soul merging and becoming one with the perfect Spirit within can also be found in other cultures spirituality, including India.

So who received the mark of the beast and his image? First you have to ascertain who the beast is and there are two beasts mentioned in Rev 13. First the Leo the Leopard from Africa e.g Obama and the second is the 4th beast that helped the 3rd. This as certainly been a time for the 'False Prophets and Apostles' and we have been calling them out. One by one in recent decades, they are listed on Elijah's List. Harold Camping being one of them. The USA again. (We haven't forgotten the Vatican either).

So why did they create some of the signs purposefully? In my humble view to convince the world that Obama was the Messiah. Hence, why the leader of the Nation of Islam hailed Obama the Messiah and Son of the Most high during his election, and the world fell at the feet of Obama. Even giving him a Nobel.

So are the seven plagues against the USA? The real signs do lead us to that conclusion. Also in the legend of Moses the plagues were against the Pharaoh and the LORD God called Obama the 'Pharaoh' and a 'Double Agent' back in November 2008.

This link also shares with us that the word translated as 'Faithful' is the Greek word 'Pistos', and it comes from the Greek word 'Peitho', which means 'worthy of trust' or 'confidence'. [1] It speaks of people who are trustworthy, and consistent in their performance of their duty to the will of the LORD God. In other words they live in integrity of the being and follow instructions given. When I was told that I had been chosen in the 90's, I was told that I had been chosen for my integrity.

Pistos is also to do with SOPHIA and in Greek Sophia is WISDOM and wisdom was called to do the count on the man 666 e.g. Obama. Rev 13, also tells the followers of Obama that they are not written in the lambs book of life, because they took the mark of Obama and supported him.

In the Greek, again, the people were being told that it is a woman, and that aligns with the wondrous woman in Rev 12 and the woman in Micah 4 that is given her kingship. So who was the false prophet in the context of Rev 19? It can only be the leader of Islam that exalted Obama as the Messiah. There was also an Arab television interview back in 2007, and Arabs were predicting that there would be a Muslim president in the White House in the next election.

How could the Arabs be so sure? They paid for his education and rise to the White House. Money paved the way for him. Basically, the Arabs bought the presidential seat, because Americans liked money more than integrity. In fact, some of the American Obama supporters were quite upfront, they told integrity plainly. 'We do not like you'. The people bought into Obama, hook, link and sinker, we warned them what would happen to the Titanic. We warned them time and time again.

In the prophecies of Zechariah we also have the woman and the flying scroll. In the Zephaniah prophecies we also have the Virgin of purity that stands against the Son of Lawlessness; that as just made war against Libya and he now has his sights on Syria and Pakistan.

What is happening in Libya now? The Muslim brotherhood are taking over, the men that murdered Gadaffi are being told that they can have as many wives as they wish.

Do women approve of that? No.

They murdered the man that was giving free education to children, including university education. A man that gave them water, free homes, was also planning to give a 300 billion contribution to fund a satellite for Africa. To enable them to have their own communication networks. In so doing, they would not have to pay $500 million a year to the US corporations for use of their networks.

Of course, what Gaddafi was doing was not in the best interests of the USA and that is why the bankers and Obama have raped Libya of its wealth, dignity and justice. Hence why the LORD God stands against Goldman Sachs and the De Beers etc.

Why? Obama and his puppet masters are hoping to build a new world order of one global government and Gaddafi was standing in the way.

Prophet Isaiah warned the people not to make all the fields one, as such, that means no global government, no new world order, no world government leaders.

Hence, why the LORD God implemented his heavenly management; to assist the people of the nations to retain their divine right to be who they wish to be as outlined in Micah 4. The sooner that people embrace the better it will be for the nations.

Now the people are probably wondering when does the one known as Jesus Christ come? The last chapters of the book of Revelation tells them that he will not come until after New Jerusalem is built. Prophet Isaiah titled New Jerusalem, the City of Enlightenment and there is to be no temples of worship there at all. He also predicted that he would not return until the people said 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD.'

Now as the HARP that King David predicted came during the night time of the last days of the end times, and they also come in the name of the LORD. You can work it out for yourselves what has to happen before everything will be completed and ready for the world to come.

After Israel began singing 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD'. The LORD sent me to Israel. Now there has to be a revival in support, the people have to truly do the will of the LORD God for their hopes of survival for humanity and its children to become a reality.

As the LORD God said 'It is not a one way street'.

However, know this, the name of his Son is not Jesus, and the book of Revelation tells you that he has a new name. The old and new testament also told the people that the LORD God will make everything anew, the old heaven and earth will pass away, when you align your will with the will of the LORD God. The Dead Sea Scrolls also predicted that it is up to the Sons of Light to align their will, and it will be a combination of that and more divine intervention that will overthrow the Sons of Darkness.

No surprise then that today is the 26th and 26 is the Hebrew gematria value of the name of the LORD.

The 26th of October is also the 'Day of Organization'.



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