Thursday, 17 November 2011

White Feather Freedom March

Front page news today is that 12,000 jobs a month in the UK are being given to immigrants and the unemployment of our youth between the age of 18-24 is over a 1 million.

As we know 12 is the number of the victim, the number of the Apostles.

18 relates to the man 666 in Rev 13, 18 divides by 6. Rev 18 and the USA. The USA and UK were enlisted into Obama's war, it cost the UK 1/2 billion and the contracts are worth billions. From the war where its gains far outweigh the cost of it. That's man's spoils of war, and that is completely different to divine spoils that are gained by enduring and overcoming life conditions. The pearls of wisdom gained from integrating life experience.

What cost is a life to you? Cameron and Obama?

How would you feel if it was your children that are now ten feet under the ground in Libya? How would you feel if is was your children that were unemployed, with no future ahead of them? Time for a reality check. Do your children have to be taken away from you before you will see sense? It did happen in Egypt to the Pharaoh, when he refused to let my people go.

Obama is abroad and there is a fitting photograph of him on Daniel Pipes site, Obama cuddling the president of Turkey, like a child being cuddled by his daddy. Erdogan looks most concerned about Obama.

Of course, Obama is still looking for that father figure to replace Reverend Wright. The other ex-Muslim that became a Christian to turn people against Israel. As we know Reverend Wright got to hot to handle, especially after the three murders of the gay men at the Church. Once again, they knew too much just like Prime Minister Bhutto.

Obama's Church, the same Church of Oprah does it remind you of the film color purple and Rev 18? Did Oprah ride the beast or did she just have a ride in his presidential car that they have named the beast? Did she advise him on his communications strategy as Rev 13 portrays?

Returning to Turkey, the book of Revelation tells them to repent and in Hebrew it is TESHUVAH and it means to return to the sacred.

24 is the number of karmic reward, the elders and the harps of faithfulness.

1 million = ONE.

After I saw the news headlines, I was walking back across the park and there was a large white feather close to a large leaf. White feather, a symbol of the great white brotherhood that stand for all that is good and pure. It reminded me of a divine message that I was given at the Spiritualist Association in London, when I was very young. At the time of receipt, I thought the message was absolute rubbish. However, many years later everything she said came to be, that kind of evidence in your own life cannot be denied.

The leaf is also to do with healing, and the writ that I have been given to deliver. Biblically speaking, the leaves are for healing the nations. The LORD said 'You have the writ all you have to do is put the leaves upon it'.

Last night a friend told me how he had been told by an orthodox Jew that he must renounce Jesus Christ or the USA will be destroyed. I told him that the destruction of the USA is nothing to do with Jesus Christ and that there shall be no renouncing of the Lute of Lovingkindess, that was given as a new revelation to King David. I shared with him again of how Ezekiel was given a vision of the tribes of Judah and the tribes of Joseph becoming one stick in his hand.

The true teachings of the Lute of Lovingkindness exalt the teachings of the Jewish prophets in a way that confounds the scholars and fulminates religion. In fact, the word religion does not even exist in biblical Hebrew or in the Qu'ran, as far as I am aware.

The bible is clear that the Jewish people must not be hostile to Christians and the Christians must not be jealous of the Jewish people. It is the LORD's intention for them to be unified.

I also reminded my friend that the LORD predicted through his prophets that he would lead them to paths that they not walked before and that the old heaven and earth will pass away. The LORD promised that he will make everything anew and there will be a new heaven and earth that will endure before him forevermore.

The followers of the Lute of Lovingkindness were told to stay faithful until the end, and he told them that the next paraclete would come to help them and give glory to his teachings. He knew that the Harp of Faithfulness would work with his true followers, when the LORD God summoned the one that he had promised to Moses.

Blessed is the one that comes in the name of the LORD and his Lute of Lovingkindness.

As far as the Jewish orthodox are concerned they have no authority over the people, anymore than the pope does. All the religious leaders including the imams are now redundant because the LORD God sent his governor exactly as he said he would. To ensure freedom and spiritual independence is known like never before in the history of creation. The people will have their sacred union with the divine without religious doctrine or domination from man.

It was the beginning of the end of 9,000 years of religious control and domination of the people on the 9th of September 2007. The White Feather today also reminds me that it is end for the Muslim brotherhood as well. So King of Jordan, no, the Arabs are not in the driving seat. When you take on the great White brotherhood, you take on the light of the cosmos and all of its divine force of goodness that is heaven sent.

Now it is divine will of the LORD, and the sooner that they embrace it the easier it will be for them.

The LORD said 'The Freedom March'.

The freedom march began in earnest after the SOPHIA WISDOM gateway opening in Greece in March 2010.



Anonymous said...

Do you really think that Any president voted into office in the USA will suit you? It's imperative that you know that a shadow government is controlling things . And I was shown this during my Devine experience with god and you claim so many things and make statements that are irreverent to the God that guided me on a journey of healing and faith. He showed me the conspiracys of the world and you do seem to know about all of them, which puzzles me . Do you know that In a private vote the U.S. Congress voted to back Isreal in any instance including a strike against Iran ? I do not agree with this As many Americans do not eighter. As we are sick of all these wars for no reason as we are hurting at home and the people are always lied to. Our news is completely controlled and a lot of people here unfortunately go by the media which is a complete lie! So blaming the people only divides us further. CGJames ...Love the one your with....

Eliakim said...

Read my last post CGJames.

You have to come to understand that there is a difference between the Son and the Father. There is a difference between God and god.

Lovingkindness is a blessed holy spirit and to those that are willing, he will lead the people home to the LORD.

Once home with the LORD there is only one LORD God and his Son is part of his blessed family.

Once you are home with the LORD the work of the Son is completed. Although he does pop in now and again to see you like visiting your family.

I appreciate that it is hard for Christians to understand due to their beliefs. I can only speak from divine experience.

There are many heavens to travel through before one arrives home. The main work of the Son is to help those that live in earthly realities to leave them, when people are ready to do so. Then he guide you home.

However, Melchizedek is mighty indeed and he is like a giant in comparison with the Son. Melchizedek is like the operations director of the cosmos and he is actively working on this planet with many light beings from the cosmos.

They came in May 2006 to help us to stop a world war.

So if there is anyone that is being irreverent it is you. For I know my place in the cosmos and the grand scheme of the LORD for his daughter ZION.


Anonymous said...

Eliakim, I am not in any way shape or form a christian, but I am familiar with who Melchizedek is ,and the awesome power he has. I am not trying to be irreverent.I am sorry that you are so unapproachable,if some one is not understanding something.You must realize that as a human I am trying to figure out the truth. Like most human beings we have been lied to so much, I left you a u-tube video to watch on your e-mail, I hope you receive it ,its quite important stay with it for the first minute or two as they are making a point, then it tells the truth of what is really going on, as I have been shown ...peace in the light

Eliakim said...

cgjames can you do some work with the words 'irreverent' and 'unapproachable'. Seek within and find where that is coming from?

cgjames I am aware that people are feeling very sensitive at the moment due to planetary energies and what is taking place globally.

However, that does not mean that I will allow anyone to make accusations without following up upon them. I have responded to all of your questions kindly and asked you to take responsibility which you have indeed been doing.

I have no problem with being questioned when people come from a place of mutual respect. That is what the LORD is asking for. That people are respectful of him and the one he sent to help.

You see when you speak to me, you are also speaking to the LORD at the same. For the heavenly Father and I are one.

Love beyond measure


Anonymous said...

Eliakim, I certainly do respect you as I am surrounded by people that are disrespectful and lost ,so I can only imagine what you have come up against . Its very difficult to be in America and know what I know. I am trying to find people who are spiritual but I have been busy with trying to take care of people that do not see the light at all, and I can see what has happened here as we have been manipulated since birth away from god through the dogma of the church(Catholic) by birth, but have always been seeking the truth. Until I had an awakening I was not a happy person but I have always been compassionate and giving to others.This can become overwhelming as so many are in need and I am scraping by to keep the bills under control and not be taken advantage of at the same time.Looking back at my comment about voting,I did come across rather crass,as the lies of our government have me disgusted and I know things are to collapse next 6 months or so. my faith is what keeps me strong or helps to maintain my sanity at certain times, As far as who do I believe is telling the truth about life and the way to live it,death.and the way to be as God would want us to be? honestly I think it will take till death for me to really know the answer but I will keep being as good or better as I go along my path and see what transpires along the way. that is still so hard to answer after 51 years......peace in the light....cgjames

Eliakim said...

I understand dear one. You mention the word 'lost' and that pinged out at me. I recommend a book by Sandra Ingreman (USA) called 'Soul Retrieval'. Its easy to read, understand and relate to your own life. Keep following the light blessed one, you are on your way. The LORD only brings me people that can be helped. He does not waste my time.

Eliakim said...

Its also important to note that I am usually the last resort. If everyone has failed at helping the people, he brings them to me as their last chance, if they're worthy of his help.

Anonymous said...

Bless you from deep in my heart, as the 21st of Nov is my 51st birthday and your last comment ,well I could not possible think of a more caring thing to say to someone! It just made me feel so connected to You and of course God! thank-you,,,peace and love in the light....CGJames...finally feeling love

Eliakim said...

Well happy birthday cgjames for the 21st, the 21st century was born in wisdom.

The 21st of November is also the 'Day of Elegance'.

Eliakim said...

Of course love beyond measure for your special day.

Anonymous said...

Thank-you Eliakim, You are the only one that has made my day special as my own family has not even remembered, with much love...CGJames...