Christian America still have the belief that Satan is a Spirit. As we explained previously in Judaism HaSatan is the accuser and adversary of all that is right, holy and true. In Ancient Israel, the mystics at Qumran wrote about the two different spirits of man. They had a belief that the LORD put two spirits into human beings, one of truth and one of falsehood.
In my experience the accuser and adversary of all that is holy and true relates to people that have not healed themselves. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder and the more that people remove their perceptions of reality by healing the self, the more beauty and light they can see.
In the teachings of Christ he also spoke of it in terms of the fact that it is the Sons that are born of the flesh that persecute the Sons that are born of the Spirit. In other words he was explaining the difference between those that were coming from human self compared with those that were coming from the divine.
Being born of the flesh is different to being born of the Spirit. Hence, why the LORD predicted through his prophets; 'This one was born in ZION'. In other words they were born of the Spirit in the celestial realms in a celestial way. In the scripture it is reported that the Son of God explained to Nicodemus about being born of the Spirit. He told Nicodemus that the Spirit is like the wind, you don't know where the Spirit comes from or where it is going. In my experience being born again of the Spirit has nothing to do with baptism or the teachings of Christian Church.
How could the Church share the truth with the people if they have not lived it and experienced it? They couldn't. The Dead Sea Scrolls also shared that there are Sons of God in plural and Holy Spirits in plural.
Hence why the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the 20th century was incredibly important find. It certainly was planned that way by the LORD God, for truth to be buried so that others would not destroy the truth about different realities until humanity was emotionally and spiritually mature enough not to destroy the texts. He also created it to happen in the same century that he chose for the Harp of Faithfulness to come. The Harp that King David spoke about in Psalm 92.
In my humble experience; the one known as Jesus Christ was explaining to Nicodemus how Sons of God are born celestially. Hence why he spoke about the Spirit and those born of the Spirit.
The Messenger of the Covenant that is also a Master of Spiritual Alchemy, predicted by Prophet Malachi, understands the energy involved and who and how falsehood and persecutors are co-created by themselves and their own perceptions of reality.
Often co-created in their childhoods if and when their energy is adulterated. Hence, why the pure energy of EGO that is 'I' in both Latin and Greek can become altered and then the human being is separated from it own light within. As such the being themselves move in the way of falsehood instead of the way of the truth and truth is to do with integrity. So then you can understand it in terms of the fact that if a person's energy is adulterated; so then is their truth and how they view truth.
Hence why the more that people heal themselves the more the truth evolves. Until the time comes when people come to completion of truth within themselves. There is no heart of conscience, if a person does not live in the integrity of the being. Only in the heart can the conscience be truly known. there is nothing that man cannot achieve when he is compelled by love. To move from being to becoming divine love in manifestation on the earth plane is mighty indeed.
Those that accuse, are adversaries, name call, and are the persecutors of the the holy ones, who are the healers. Have a lot of healing work to do. They are continually triggered by the light, due to what they hold inside of themselves that requires healing. Healing is the solution to remove the darkness from all sentient beings.
"The light triggers the darkness and the darkness triggers the light until there is no more darkness left" from Sacred Words. Carl Jung also understood it, as did Plato and many other philosophers and healers.
When a person does not trigger into accusation when they stand in the light of integrity of the holy ones, then you know they have truly healed themselves. Prophet Isaiah predicted that only one in a thousand, would be able to stand before Joseph in integrity.
The root of the word shalom means 'Be whole' and being whole was all part of the Christ teachings to do with wholeness. The opposite to wholeness is fragmentation and when a person is fragmented it is due to a lack of self-healing. In these cases we recommend soul retrieval and as the scripture states Christ came to bring back what had been 'lost'. This signifies that his healing work was shamanic; because the word 'lost' relates to shamanic healing work.
So does the removal of what healers in ancient times called 'demons' that people hold within themselves, demons that are related to the root causes of the core issues that have not been removed. They are usually to do with childhood. Hence, why people were told that that they had to become like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven. It relates to healing the 'inner child'.
Hence why the word 'energia' in Greek meant 'in-working' it relates to the inner processes involved in the healing; that is involved in the ascent of the light body prior to its final consummation with the pure Spirit. In my experience that happens prior to being born again of the Spirit.
Lord of the Harvest
It is no coincidence that this verse in Matthew is 9:37 Both are very important numbers and the gospel writers understood the importance of the soferim, and how the one to come would truly understand the messages that they encoded within the texts. In Luke it appears again in verse 10:2.
Biblically speaking nine is the number of the fruits, the nine gifts of the Spirit. Nine is also the number of completion and divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. The sign of the fruit was also given as a measure of how the people would recognize the one that was predicted to come. It is no coincidence, that the wine from the grape is also associated with the mystics and prophets.
Hence, why the Jewish people make a place setting and pour out a glass of wine for the one that they had been waiting for. The 'fruit of the lips' is also a Jewish term to describe a true prophet of the LORD God.
Clearly, they were going to be a communicator. Hence, why their career prior to becoming a healer and teacher was in the creative communications industry. The Jewish prophets also predicted that a skilled writer would come.
9 is also the Hebrew gematria value of the Hebrew letter 'Tet' that became the letter 'T' and this relates to their name. The Tet in the original pictographs is a circle with the cross sticks that mean a sign like you see underneath a drum. Jeff Benner who wrote the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon also calls the symbol a 'Basket' and that relates to the basket prophecy given by Prophet Zechariah about the woman that would be taken to Babylon. In Micah 4, she appears again and she returns from Babylon (USA) prior to being given her kingship.
999 was also the year that she was destined to deliver the ever lasting covenant predicted by Prophet Isaiah. It was delivered for the children by the Messenger of the Covenant so that they can retain their spiritual independence. The 9th of September, 2007, was the day that the children received their divine plan. Prophet Isaiah also made a prophecy about the children and their importance in this timeline. Hence why Prophet Malachi also mentioned the children in relationship to the Messenger that King David called the Harp of Faithfulness.
37 is a prime number and in Hebrew the value of 37 is 'To go before, or in front of, to be before, to begin. To leap or spring. Life, Splendid, and the Flame. In the ancient biblical texts Joseph is called the flame, it relates to being an unfettered flame of the LORD. The texts also state that only the tribes of Joseph will be saved, and as we know Joseph saved the people from the famine.
9+37 =
46 in Hebrew gematria it is 'Mother-City', 'a foundation', and 'forearm'. In my humble view that relates to the building of the City of Enlightenment predicted by Prophet Isaiah. New Jerusalem spoken about in the book of Revelation. 46 is the soferim of 'to be great', 'magnitude', 'a number or amount'.
In Greek gematria the value of
ELIA is also
46, and Psalm 46 speaks of her, as does Psalm 45.
'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few'.
The workers are few because there are few that are real.
Truly born a Holy Spirit.
Blessed is the one that comes in the name of the LORD.
The Jewish gematria for 'Lord of the Harvest' is also the same value as 'White Stone', 'White Buffalo' and 'White Buffalo Woman', the white buffalo relates to the Native Indians. They knew that she would return to them, to help them and the indigenous peoples. Not only the indigenous peoples, but the children of the world.
The truth will set them free.