Monday 19 December 2011

Atheist Christopher Hitchens

The name Christopher Hitchens came up three times today. Although a British writer and speaker he is not one that I remember. However, we parted company with TV in 1998. I watched a couple of the tribute videos of him and his work and he was a charismatic speaker that loved to thresh religion and the religionists.

I wonder how he would feel if he knew that some of what he did is actually written in the bible for this timeline. Knowing academics and the way that intellectuals often operate, I could anticipate his response and how his voice would grow louder in prosector mode, in response to truth that cannot be denied. When the point of the sword of truth pricks the heart of conscience, people can and do react and those that know the truth have no requirement to raise their voice. Daniel Pipes is an excellent example of that, he knows he is right.

Its a sad fact that a great talent like Christopher Hitchens was not aware of the true Christ teachings. Surely if he had known them, he would not have tasted death. The one known as Jesus Christ warned people that if they did not bring forth what they hold within themselves, then what they did not bring forth would kill them. And they would taste death. What does tasting death mean? It means tasting disease like cancer.

Hitch was well known as a passionate atheist. However, I have met successful healers that are atheists, one does not have to believe in the LORD to heal the self or others. Healers that are atheists tend to satisfy their quest for understanding the energy that they are working with, by understanding the cutting edge science that supports it, and what they know to be true in their hearts of the experience encountered. The fact that atheists cut themselves off intentionally from the joy of experiencing the spiritual blessing of the sacred union of the divine, is simply their choice. That is why everyone is given the free will to choose.

However, they should also be aware that at the same, atheists do cut themselves off from a part of the self that provides a great and wonderful adventure. There is so much more to a person then just a brain and a heart. As the saying goes, if you are not prepared to leave the shore, how can you discover new oceans? There have also been scientific papers written on pathological disbelief.

Did Hitch die of cancer as others have suggested due to his mocking of the LORD God? No, Christian orthodox, Jews and Muslims can die in exactly the same way, if they refuse to seek within and heal themselves. Hitch had what I would call fundamental beliefs that were quite rigid and fixed, he had made his mind up, and very little was ever going to shift him from his position. As the bible tells Daughter Zion, we do not keeping on threshing. There is a time and a season, and there is always a reason and divine purpose for the intervention.

He told those of faith to stay away from science. I wonder did he ever take a serious look at cutting edge science that supports the true Christ teachings that are about healing? Putting aside the legends, just understanding the rational science with the healing modalities that were being utilized. Methodology that Socrates and Plato understood, that can be ascertained by the words of Plato himself. The Lute of Loving Kindness that came 2,000 years ago, was teaching ancient wisdom and universal truth.

So if there are any atheists that read this post, don't cut yourselves off from the energy of the cosmos, by denying the energy exists. Become an explorer of the energy fields, become like an astronaut and allow yourself to experience new realities beyond the confines of planet earth and its realities. As the saying goes, it isn't rocket science, although once you set off on the trip of your life, it can take off like a rocket.
Then you will never view life quite the same again, just through one screen in 3D. Life is multi-dimensional when one is willing to embrace new realities and bigger horizons. Scientists know that there are many more dimensions than three, and the bible does mention the dimensions and also the many heavens.

In past life case studies carried out, we discovered that those that stand against spirituality or religion the most, were the ones that had dedicated many past lives to service. They all had past life issues to resolve and heal. Native Indian, Russell Means has also been having treatment for cancer and he has concentrated on the healing, alternative remedies in addition to his medical treatment and he has made a wonderful recovery. It really is possible when people are willing. However, one has to put
100% of one's attention and intention into the healing process and the nurturing of the self. It is clear that Christopher simply would not, or could not allow himself to just let go, and go with the flow and turn off that brilliant mind of his. Being able to empty the head and be in complete silence and peace of the being, is a great joy that can take you to bliss!

May Christopher Hitchen rest in peace, and maybe, when he reincarnates again, all of those issues that he threshed will be sorted out before his next arrival.

As the LORD said "Healing is the get out of jail card. Healing is the path to salvation and love is the way'. from Sacred Words

I know from experience that the more that people heal themselves, the more their divine purpose for being on this planet is revealed to them.



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