Thursday 15 December 2011

Sarah Palin Pale Horse?

In the previous post on Matthew 24, nuclear reactors we included the following cross references: 

"When the Apostles ask Jesus 'Who then can be saved' he gave them a very canny response and he replied 'With man this is impossible', in other words it would not be a man that would help them. Matt 19:26 In the book of Titus, 'He saved us through the washing of rebirth, and renewal of the Holy Spirit'. Titus 3:4-6. That is the only passage where the word 'rebirth' seems to appear. In some translations the word 'rebirth' is translated as 'regeneration'. However, the Greek word is 'Paliggenesia' and it means 'New Birth'. You can understand that by washing the being with healing, a new birth comes to be in the celestial realms. The new birth is to do with being born again, a Holy Spirit and in the Dead Sea Scrolls it mentions Holy Spirits and Sons of God in plural. 

Interesting that the Greek word 'Paliggenesia' comes from the root word Palin, that comes from the word Pale and it is about the 'wrestling' like a wrestling championship until there is a winner in the ring. That is like the struggle with god, the meaning of the name of Israel. The arrival of Sarah Palin in the public eye was definitely another sign to the people in respect of Matthew chapter 24. However, how many actually know that her name can be found in Greek? Did Sarah think that she was the Virgin in the ancient prophecies that stands against the Son of Lawlessness? 

As a Republican did she vote for Bush in two previous elections? As we shared with the people, Bush was the starter and Obama the main course. So the USA has definitely been involved in death and hades. We also warned people in the UK during the first election of Tony Blair, that if you vote for him you will have blood on your own hands. David Cameron also followed in the footsteps of Tony Blair with his war against Libya. 

As we have shared the Greek word Pale is in the scriptural text, and it is no coincidence that there is also a pale horse mentioned in Rev 6. That chapter also mentions the wrath of the lamb, do lambs have wrath? No, a lamb is symbolic of a gentle hearted soul. 

Will Rev 6 be fulfilled? Well that depends on the people and whether they are willing to allow us to cut short the destruction and shorten the last days of the end times. May the LORD speak to the righteous souls, the Tzadikim and tell them his divine plan and what must be done to fulfill his will. 


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