Friday 23 December 2011

Mother Earth Damsel in Distress

Mother Earth is like a damsel in distress in this meantime, she cries out for help due to the poverty of the Spirit of the people. the impact of the emotional distress of the people, impacts on the mother as she struggles to maintain a balance that can feed the people with harmony.  Just like the actions of children impact on the mother, so it is with the people and the planet. When the children are small she will do her utmost to correct and set them on the right path, with a morality that can sustain them during their lives.

However, when the children get to the age when they refuse to listen to the mother and her words; then it is time for the mother and child to part company, because harmony and balance is most important for the sanctity of the mother. This usually happens when the children are branching out, become rebellious and are finding their feet and way in the world. It does children good to go out and learn from themselves, it helps them to integrate what you have instilled in them and their hearts. The children return again when they've matured and greater understanding usually comes when they have their own children.

In the biblical teachings it is the role of men to help the 'damsel in distress' and only those with the radha of divine conduct truly know how to help mother earth. Any woman that is alone and or without support, the aged and the widows. Young single mothers that find it hard to make ends meet, those that cannot afford decorators and people to do all of those odd maintenance jobs, that have to be done by someone otherwise everything gets into disrepair.

After my father passed over, my mother was left alone in her 50's and she was very fortunate to have many men that simply loved to help her. They loved to be in her company, few women are as fortunate as my mother, she was in a class of her own. Her generation that were birthed over 70 years ago, were a different breed of men. They liked to be the brave knights in shinning armor and this is the time of the return of the Knights. A time when the men really find their role in life; in helping the women when and where they require help. Only when the women and children have the help that they will require; will the planet benefit from the harmony and balance that will co-create.

When the people help Mother earth when she is in distress; then the people will be helped more by the mother.

As the LORD said 'It is not a one-way street'. It is always better to give than to receive, to those that can afford to give of their spare time, give. To those that can give financially, give. To those that are willing to conserve and preserve Mother earth, conserve and preserve. The Creator is the great preserver of creation and Mother earth is a very special planet.

Only when Mother earth is out of distress will the earth changes simmer down. Only when man stops trying to control the weather patterns and stops interfering with the planets eco-system will the planet come back into harmony and balance. Humanity chose to learn the hard way, like a rebellious child, as such humanity are paying for the consequences of their deeds.

The indigenous peoples are united, they know that the Creator, Great Spirit, that some call Grandfather never ever deserted them in their plight. He gave them the strength to hold on, to continue, to stay true to their spirituality and native ways. They will be richly rewarded for their efforts to stay true to themselves through it all. The LORD always saves a remnant of his people so that the truth can be known by the world.

Yesterday I was viewing a documentary of the genocide that took place in Guatemala in the 20th century. Today, I was taken to the information on how Haiti used to be the richest Island. Prior to the African slavery, what became Haiti was originally the land of the Taino Tribe. So then should the Africans be returned to their native land, paid for by the descendants of the slave traders, paid for by the aristocrats of the European countries and the USA? If they choose to go, yes. This is the time of the return and for the people to go back to their roots.

This is a wonderful video from the indigenous peoples that was made for 'Indigenous Day of Remembrance.'  The Indigenous peoples are reclaiming their inheritance, not only for the sake of the children and their future, but for the sanctity of their peoples and planet.

This planet is sacred and when the peoples return to the sacred. mother earth will be in balance and harmony with the people. Until that time comes; the distress of the mother will become more extreme,  due to the sheer amount of pain that she has had to endure. The people will adapt and become more flexible because they have no choice. Man is not stronger than the ocean or the sun, and the sooner that man learns to have humility in the face of adversity, then the greater the nourishment and the nurturing from the mother will be.


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