Thursday 22 December 2011

Lauren Booth Called Out

Tony Blair's sister-in-law, Lauren Booth converted to Islam after going to Qum in Iran. [1]

Does she not know that Islam deny the divinity of the Lute of Lovingkindness that Christians know as Jesus Christ? In so doing she denies her own birthright and inheritance to become so.

She said she had a 'holy experience' when she was in the Mosque in Qum does she not know the reason why? Does she not know that the word Qum is what Jesus Christ said when he was healing the child?

Does she not know that Qum is the name of the real prophet that was promised to Moses? Does she not know that the name, is the name of the real Messenger of the Covenant that the prophets predicted would come in the last days of the end times?

What did the Son of God have to say to the Muslims about covering their heads? He said 'If women were meant to cover their heads they would have been born with a foreskin'. That's a profound statement especially as Muslims and Jews circumcise children that mutates their genetics and co-creates disease.

Tony Blair with George Bush instigated the war against Iraq, and his sister-in-law converts to its religion. How ironic is that. The word religion does not even exist in biblical Hebrew and nor does it exist in the Qu'ran either. Does she not know what the biblical prophecies say about what is going to happen to Muslims? Does she not know that it tells the oil rich nations that shame will cover their glory because they have plundered the nations? Haven't we witnessed that in Syria and Egypt in recent weeks? Did Lauren Booth see what they did to that woman? The biblical prophecies also tell the Muslims to drink and be exposed in this timeline. If they truly honor the prophets like they say they do, then they will do as the LORD God tells them to do. Time for the exposure, the truth will set them free.

Does she not know that the biblical prophecies predicted the war with Iraq and that Islam would be split into seven streams so that the people could leave its captivity? Does she not know that the biblical prophecies predicted that those in captivity would go into captivity in this timeline? Did the LORD not call Abraham out of the religions of idols? Did the LORD not call Jesus Christ out of Egypt? The LORD calls people out of religion not into its captivity.

This is the time of the renewal of the Sabeans, the spiritual who moved beyond religions and their confinement. They honored their Jewish roots and heritage, but moved beyond its doctrines and practices. The same as happened with many Christians. Most Christians that developed their spirituality still hold the Lute of Lovingkindness in their hearts. It is the Son of God that gives you the feelings of bliss not Islam. Lauren Booth, did it not occur to you that Jesus Christ was trying to reach out to you? To call you out like he was called out of Egypt?

This video made me laugh. Clearly, the Queen did not have the same feeling of bliss when she visited a Mosque. The look on her face is a picture, she reminds me of my mum.



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