Monday 5 December 2011


After making the last post on our other blog on Misha B, the perfect sparrow. I then went to make some supper and while doing so the LORD said 'RADA' in Hebrew. Sometimes he speaks to me in Hebrew, he teaches me different words. So what does RADA mean?

This link shares with us that the Hebrew word in Genesis 1:26 is a conjunction of rada. Ernest Klien, in his 1987 Etymological Dictionary of Hebrew for Readers of English, defines this word as 'to tread', 'to rule', have dominion'. In Robert Alter's translation and commentary on Genesis, rada is translated "hold sway'. Dominion is actually different to the word 'rule'. It is much more related to mastery. The source of link, Paul Ogden also states that the modern word for female, again the same as Biblical Hebrew, it derives from a root meaning "to pierce". [1] However, it can also mean to appoint or to designate.

This second link speaks of Rada as holding the plant when it is swaying in the wind. Like holding a candle and not allowing the wind to blow out the light. Rada indicates our relationship with all other creatures, our position is one of maximum strength, for the benefit of the whole of creation. The word radius derives from rada and it also carries the idea that a small central point is of importance to the larger whole. [2]

You can understand this term associated with mastery that to be in the image of the LORD's elohiym, you must be master of the self and that which you co-create. It is your responsibility to care fully for the the LORD's beautiful and perfect creation. It is the responsibility of human kind to hold the light firmly, so that it does not sway, just like holding a plant when you plant it. Or like holding a baby so you do not drop it.

The light is fragile when it first arrives on this planet, until it grows into a strong unfettered flame of God's love that it was born to be. Each soul is born a light of love and that is why self-mastery is extremely important. To ensure that you do not allow emotion to control or master the light of love.

If you don't hold your own light by caring fully for it, it can sway in the winds co-created by others. Just like a tree can sway in the winds, or a child can get blown over by a strong wind.

The more self-mastery you have, the more dominion you have, the more dominion you have, the more lightly you walk upon the earth, and the more fully you care fully for it and all creation that is beautiful.

What does RADA mean to me? While I was cooking it reminded me of RADA where people train for stage and screen. The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. It reminds me of being a producer, pre-production, casting sessions. Having a good eye for talent and selecting it. Looking at portfolio's of graphic design students,  and being able to determine whether the talent of the artist is truly graphic, or whether their talent is a creative writer,  photographic or illustrator.

By looking at the work of a person, their talent shines out to those that have the eyes to see it and feel it. It is the same with children they have a natural talent that they were born with, just like Misha B was born to sing. A parent with a good eye can see the talent of the child by the age of seven. They can see whether the child is creative, scientific, an inventor, or academic. Whether they like languages by learning them easily,  or have a talent for sport, entertainment, healing or music. When a parent can see the specific talents that the child has, then they can nurture that natural talent in the right way.

Its the same with planet earth and the LORD's creation, only when you can see it and feel it, can you truly nurture it in the right way that is harmonic with the rest of creation and your own being. That is what it really means to have dominion. The light vibration of the plants feed us. However, do we give rada to the plants? I feel that this is what the LORD is asking you all, when you hold a plant in your hand, is it just a plant to you, or is much more? Like holding a child, is that child just a child, or do you hold its sacredness and see its multi-dimensional being and impact on you?

Do you appreciate the importance of rada in all of its different aspects? Or is it just a single word to you? How does rada fit into your life, how is it part of your life? What frequency does the word carry? What vibration, and pure intention? What is its soferim, its gematria?

I can also relate rada to talent spotting, can you spot your own talents? Do you know what they are? Like hugging the self, when was the last time that you gave yourself a large hug and say I love you? I can honestly say that I have not done enough hugging lately. Our bodies also require love and that we care fully for the house in which the light of the soul lives. So be gentle with yourselves, and all creation because who you are, impacts on the whole cosmos.

No coincidence than that verse where rada appears is Genesis 1.26 because 26 is the Hebrew gematria value of the name of the LORD God. In English gematria the word rada has the value of 144, and as we know there are 144,000 souls of the spiritually elect mentioned in the book of revelation.

This verse should say "Then elohiym said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may be rada over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

So you can understand that rada is really a feminine word because it is about the divine feminine principles of the LORD's elohiym. In other words it is the complete opposite to what man has done to the LORD's creation to date. Hence why the healing angels in mystical Judaism are called the 'Angels of Elohiym.' 

So can you be in our likeness? Like your elohiym? Are you willing to be rada and put it into action to help the men to understand? 

Now you know what it means to hold the vision, holding the vision is rada. When you put rada into action you can hold the planet in your hands to nurture it in the right way. 



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