Wednesday 28 December 2011

Trojan Horse Obama

This great article was posted on a thread titled 'If God wanted to punish America'. The article is actually called 'Our Trojan Horse President', during the election we did warn the USA that Obama would be a celebrity president, and they won't forget this one in a hurry. Bush was the starter and Obama is the main course. The article that appeared in the Washington Times about the trojan horse should be read by every American.

We also wrote about the Trojan Horse in June 2010. [2]

However, the LORD did make divine intervention and sent daughter ZION to the USA to pre-warn them about Obama. The mission to the USA is mentioned in Micah 4, and Rev 13 wisdom was called to the count on the man 666. The Leopard from Africa mentioned by Prophet Daniel. In the NT, Jesus Christ described him as the 'abomination that causes desolation''  that also aligned with the prophecies of Daniel for the last days of the end times. The Leopard was mentioned by Daniel and in the book of Revelation, Rev 13. Based upon the timing of Rev 13, the Leopard only has 42 months and that takes us to June 2012.

Obama supporters then speak about 'blame' and I asked them when did responsibility and accountability become blame?

This is about the fulfillment of biblical prophecy for the last days of the end times. Hence why Babylon (USA) is mentioned in Micah 4 when the LORD sent his daughter Zion to help them. When we flew into the USA the Prince of Peace Church of Philadelphia was burnt to the ground. No coincidence that Philadelphia is also mentioned in Rev 3. That was a major sign to the USA that the paraclete had arrived on American soil.

When the LORD offers a hand of help, it means that others have the choice whether to accept the hand that was sent to help them. The Malachi prophecies also warned the people what would happen if the people did not turn their hearts to the children when the Messenger of the Covenant arrived. They were pre-warned in the scriptures about the fact that the prophecies predicted that if the people paid the wages of elohiym then the heavens would open up with blessings in abundance. If they robbed elohiym then the nations would be destroyed by the nations themselves; because they had refused the right hand of help that the LORD had offered them. 

Americans then quote Genesis 1:26 and state 'we're on our own'. When in fact that verse is about the divine conduct of radha and only those with radha have divine conduct. Hence why it is only the sacred that have dominion to intervene with their eyes wide open. 

It is certainly teshuvah time for the USA. 



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