Sunday, 18 December 2011

Message for the Egyptian People

In recent days I have been waking up dazed, and I am sure the Egyptian people feel dazed by what is taking place in Egypt at this time. The sheer brutality of the Egyptian regime and its military in recent weeks vexes the Spirit of God and violence disempowers the soul. We witness yet again, the same patterns being repeated in Egypt and other parts of the world, where this male dominated society harms the people that stand against its greed and corruption.

The scenes viewed of the violence taking place against the people and especially the women, makes the world sad, [2] because Egypt and its revolution was a beacon of light for the peoples of the world. The Egyptian people, their bravery and courage that inspired the Arab spring.

What the Egyptian military and its political leaders are doing to the Egyptian people is against the spiritual law of the LORD God and his prophets. What is happening is not only harming the Egyptian people, it is harming the future of Egypt. What people would wish to visit such a violent country?

The biblical prophecies predicted that shame would cover the glory of Islam, these pictures of the violence against the women by numerous soldiers and police; have to be seen by the world. For the world to understand that this is the Islamic way of dealing with anyone that stands against it. [2] This kind of treatment by Islamic men has been going on for 1,400 years. It was the only way that they could stop the people from standing against it. Islam was born in violence and it is dying in violence, Islam is destroying itself with its own hand. The eyes of the world are now wide open, to what Islam really means, complete submission to the Muslim brotherhood.

Egypt depends on tourism for its survival, and while the violence continues, Egypt falls into decay and desolation. It is time for the Egyptian business community to come forth and to move forward to defend their people from such activity against the people.

The Messenger of the Covenant has appealed to the LORD for his help and to intervene in what is happening in Egypt, to help the children of the nile to have the freedom and democracy that they dream of. I wrote a Sonnet to God to enlist his help, I asked our gracious, compassionate and merciful LORD to help the people.

The LORD responded simply with 'FRAN' in response to my appeal for divine intervention. That led me to various Egyptian people with the name Fran that included two female newscasters. One of those women is featured in this BBC radio interview that discusses the billions that has gone missing. In fact, it speaks of up to 70 billion that is being traced due to the previous regime. [1] The other newscaster with the name Fran was talking about the torture in Egypt.

It is clear that the male dominated society that is embedded with the Muslim brotherhood will not give the Egyptian people what it requires. The men will not give the people their dream of freedom and true democracy. 

Fran was also the name of a hurricane and it is a female name. The LORD is calling for a female leader to come forth and to lead the Egyptian people. In the past he also called the Druze and they also have an important role in the transformation of Egypt. 

The people of Egypt will not have their dream unless the will of the LORD is done. 

In the meantime, all can help, you can hold Egypt in your heart and hand, surrounding it with the power of love. 



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