Thursday 22 December 2011

Kibeho Lady Prophecy

The children in Kibeho received an interesting prophecy from our Lady, that is known as 'Mother of the WORD' and we featured their story and information on our other blog. [1] 

I will make this post short, as I am baking oat cakes with currents, honey, malt,  and sunflower seeds. The LORD also mentioned 'Rock Cakes' so I do hope they are edible. Back to the prophecy.

'Faith will come, and unbelief unseen'. 

Faith is to do with the Harp of Faithfulness that was predicted to come in the last days of the end times, mentioned in Psalm 92. The lady that the LORD promised to plant in Jezreel, Prophet Hosea delivered the message that the LORD would plant HER himself, and that he would betroth his people to him in righteousness and faithfulness. As we know the righteousness is also mentioned in the Malachi prophecies. 

Faithfulness = trustful loyalty to the sacred union with the divine.

It remains unseen to those that are in unbelief because the prophecies were hidden from their eyes on purpose. That applies to people from all walks of life, in many different realities. Who can see the signs but those that can see them? Who can understand the messages but those that can understand them? Who can experience the sacred union with the divine, and witness the pouring out of the Spirit that Prophet Joel predicted would happen to the nations in this timeline? 

Who has the heart to stand up and be counted, if one has not counted yourself as sacred and a treasure in the eyes of the LORD? Who has the eyes to see the truth of the harp of faithfulness, the reason for it and what that really means to humanity now? 

Did she only come for the righteous? Who knows, who experiences, who loves with all of their hearts? Only those with the eyes to see, can see her. She is unseen by those in unbelief. 

The Psalms predicted that 'the wicked will not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.' As we know the judgement began in 2010 when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel. 

'For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction'. 

'LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.'

'Continue your love to those that know you. Your righteousness to the upright in heart'. 

'Tsadhe You are righteous, LORD, and your laws are right.'

The cakes are delicious and here is some more pink sun in England. 



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