Saturday 17 December 2011

Orthodox Millstone -v- PINK SUN

We have Cameron telling the Archbishop that the UK is a Christian nation see our other blog. We have the orthodox american Christians talking about the crucifixion and they cannot bear to hear the truth that the Son of God told his followers would be disclosed.

The orthodox Christians, Jews and Muslims do not have the ability to debate in serious debate and discussion. They block you on their youtube channels, they ban you from their forums and and do not accept correction when it is offered to them, the same applies to Muslims. In fact the Jewish orthodox do not engage at all on any level that you try to engage with them.

Who gave the people the millstone?

Rome and the Vatican, Saudi Arabia, Zechariah 11 tells you that the 'worthless shepherds' are being cut off in this timeline. The prophecies also tell you that the covenant with death is annulled in this timeline as well. The orthodox Jewish rabbi's are not immune to it either, they are also being cut off because they also put a millstone upon the people to stop the people arising beyond their control.

Why didn't Rome and the Vatican share the truth? They would be out of a job, because the new testament told them not to build upon his foundations with building materials. The same with the Haredi Rabbi's. Hence why they sit in the Israel government, as such Israel is not a secular country or a democracy as they claim it is because it is dominated by the Haredi and their belief system of an 'eye for an eye' that Islam copied.

The Lute of Lovingkindness predicted in Psalm 92, told his followers that the building of religion would burn in the flames in the last days of the end time. He also knew that (descendent of) Joseph was the flame. Hence, the Prince of Peace Church in Philadelphia burned to the ground when the paraclete flew into the USA.

The millstone and those that are attached to it, is being thrown into the sea in this timeline.

The 9th of September 2007 was the beginning of the end of the orthodox and its tenets and doctrines. The end of 9,000 years of religious control and indoctrination of belief systems.

The truth will set them free.

What did Thomas Paine say about the biblical prophecies in respect of the one known as Jesus Christ?

"I have examined all the passages in the New Testament quoted from the Old, and so-called prophecies concerning Jesus Christ, and I find no such thing as a prophecy of any such person, and I deny there are any."
        -- Thomas Paine (1925), p. 206

The atheists then capitalize on this premise with the following and it is a growing trend. 

This is unfortunate, because Paine is correct. Every case of alleged fulfillment of messianic prophecy suffers from one of the following failings: (1) the alleged Old Testament prophecy is not a messianic prophecy or not a prophecy at all, (2) the prophecy has not been fulfilled by Jesus, or (3) the prophecy is so vague as to be unconvincing in its application to Jesus. [1] 

However, there is a prophecy in the old testament that pertains to him and it is the new revelation that was given in Psalm 92. It speaks of two people that would come. First the Lute of Lovingkindness in the day time and then the Harp of Faithfulness in the night time e.g. the last days of the end times. 

The Messanic era and redemption was not predicted to happen until the appointed time.  In fact, the one known as Jesus Christ also delivered prophecies about the signs to do with the one that would come as promised to Prophet Moses. Prophet Malachi, Prophet Hosea, Isaiah,  and the other Jewish prophets. 

In Matthew 24, it predicts that the one to come would give their testimony to the nations. Why was this necessary? The texts tell you that it is to shorten the last days of the end times for the sake of the elect. When the texts speak of the elect it is speaking of the spiritual and not any spiritual, it relates to the righteous that have walked the righteous path, that is far beyond religion and its doctrines. 

Those that have stayed true and faithful to the spiritual path until the end of it. 

In the Old testament it also predicted that the LORD would make nonsense of those that think they are learned and wise in this timeline. 
Who are the so-called learned? The academics, scholars and the orthodox. 

"Who foils the signs of false prophets and makes fools of diviners, who overthrows the learning of the wise and turns it into nonsense?" Isaiah 44:25 

ELIAKIM has the atheists under her feet in the same way that she has the crescent moon under her feet. Why is that? The atheists support the crescent moon to their own detriment and the detriment of their nations.

THE CHILDREN AND THEIR FUTURE is the CAUSE and the LORD told you all that the cause of his daughter ZION is his priority.





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