Friday 16 December 2011


We made a full post on our blog in respect of Comet Lovejoy. Its name in relation with England and how its motto is 'WHO DARES SINGS' [1] Its message is also to do with holding the vision and being true to the self.

Does it surprise you the name 'lovejoy' is in the bible?

The fruit of the Spirit is love joy. Galatians 5:22 NIV

As the person known as Lovejoy is a well known person in the UK, the comet does reveal another sign for those that have the eyes to see it and the heart to understand. The biblical passage also provides numerics that are also important. Five is the number of physical manifestation and 22 is a master number of the divine feminine. 22 is also the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. So clearly, it is another sign. 

It is written that Comet Lovejoy plunged into the sun's corona at midnight GMT on December 16, 2011. December 16 is the 'Day of Imagination'. The night time, is also a timeline that was given by King David in Psalm 92. 

The Comet did not disintegrate in the heat of the sun's corona, in fact, it appears to change direction and you can see it in this video zipping back off into space. This video is called 'Comet Lovejoy wins'. Of course the fruit of the Spirit is lovejoy and it does win. No coincidence then that there was a time in my life when I was involved in antiques, and organized antique fairs as a part-time business, in addition to working full time. 

Lovejoy was an antique dealer in the British comedy series launched in 1977. I enjoyed the years in the auctions rooms. I also collected Victorian engravings of children, and the largest one is still on the wall of a friends house. It would be wonderful to place that picture in the new holy city in remembrance of lovejoy. 1977 was two years after the last days of the end times began, as know the number '77' is also a biblical number. 

What is joy to do with? The birth of a child, when a mother holds that baby in her arms it is a bundle of joy. It can be the same with new projects and project launches. Business people have also said 'Its my baby'. Hence after projects have been launched, when it is time to let go of them that can be hard, if people become attached to what they have birthed. 

The sheer effort, the greater the commitment, the more love that is bestowed the greater the investment. You can understand this in terms that the Spirit has put great investment into us, we the people, and the people become an asset for Spirit and humanity. True humanitarians that care fully for children. 

There are times when the Spirit have to let you go, so that you have time to integrate what has to be integrated about life experience. Then you are ready to step up to the next level, the next step, the next project, enabling a new reality to come to be. It can be the same with individuals, groups and nations. The joy is always seeing the success of that launch in co-creation of the sacred union with the divine. Once successful, it is then time to move on to the next phase of the divine plan, so it was and continues to be with my life. Change is the only constant. 

Shout for joy oh daughter ZION, shout in triumph Israel. Rejoice and exult with all your heart. Oh daughter of Jerusalem. Zeph 3:14 The LORD God is in your midst. A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy. He will be quiet in his love. He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. Zep 3:17 

Israel is to shout in triumph because the LORD God sent his daughter ZION, daughter Jerusalem as mentioned by Prophet Micah. The one that received her kingship. In her love for the joy of babies and children, the fruit of the Spirit can be seen. Prophet Malachi was correct I would come to you willingly for the sake of the children, a cause that is worthy of humanity. Compassionate hearts can really change the world. 



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