Saturday 10 December 2011

Eclipse of the Heart

Well the energies of this Essential Total Lunar eclipse [1] has really been about Europe in this reality, as you can see from the posts made during the eclipse energies. I just reviewed the original article and it will be interesting to watch the next six months unfold especially with David Cameron keeping the UK out of the EU monetary union.

Maybe you would like to share if you have had any dreams on this eclipse.

I had a lucid dream, and after all of my work was done, I was under something that was white, like a white shield that was shielding me, it was cloth like. I could not see anyone, but people could see me.
The top part of my body was completed covered by the white cloth that was like a tent fabric. Quite firm.
Like being under an umbrella or being in a tent made for one.

Then all of a sudden my family arrived, and dad lifted up the white cover and I stepped out of it. My dad, my brother and mum were there together, it was like they had come to get me, and to take me home with them. I really hugged dad and then brother, then hugging them both at the same time, and I told them that I loved them. They were both really happy that we were altogether again. Then I approached mum and kissed her and told her that I love her. Then she opened her hand and she had colored jewelry in her open hands that she was showing me. She always did like jewelry.

In the dream interpretation 'costume jewelry' can be a warning of danger and mum was very clairvoyant. We also shared that the prudent can see danger in the previous post. Mum could certainly see danger, well in advance, and was very intuitive. That was the reason that she was compelled to leave London where she lived. She moved to the country of Kent, and lived by the seaside that she loved after dad passed away. She was financially able to spend many winters abroad in the sun, that really helped her to stay fit. Until the time came when all her friends had passed over, then she did not like to be abroad alone anymore. Then she stayed in England for a couple of winters that led to her passing.

Dad was my hero and he looked so happy to be with me in the lucid dream, and I with him. My brother looked younger and really healthy. Like when the three of them came to visit me in hospital after I gave birth to Jordan. He was wearing the same clothes. I feel that this dream is a warning dream, and that my brother will join our parents before I do. That certainly was the feeling that I had when I woke up from the dream. Its like I am being prepared in advance, so that it is not a shock to me when it happens.

I asked the LORD to take me instead and let my younger brother stay because of his wife and children. He did not respond. He then showed me visions of life stories, as if it was an explanation. He showed me the anger of others and as we know anger is to do with the heart. A dream of family, can also mean an upswing of all of your affairs, especially if it is a happy greeting like it was in the dream.

The original post on the essential lunar eclipse also mentioned the sabians and my family were certainly as we describe in the post in that respect. Like I, they had no attachment to any belief system, they honored their heritage and lived the basic principles of good virtue to the best of their ability. However, they were human, and they concentrated on themselves and each other after the children left home.

That has happened in many families, especially when the children move away by a long distance. It has certainly contributed to breaking down the traditional family values, and how families used to help each other all of the time. Always being there for each other. Of course, some families have stayed very close together, those that have stayed together, help each other the most when times are hard.

The same could be said for the spiritual family and the family of healers. It is a time for the spiritual family and the healing family to come together and help each other as much as possible through these last days of the end times. Support each other in every way that you possibly can, it is essential now, as the requirement of essentials increases every day.

So for me this eclipse was certainly an eclipse of the heart and that was a song that Michael liked very much. He used to post it often.

Love beyond measure



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