Monday 12 December 2011

ME and Children

The BMJ have reported that one in every 100 children in the UK is suffering from ME, Chronic fatigue syndrome. I haven't viewed any case studies of children. However, in every case of adults that I have looked at there was a specific reason why a part of the body switched off. For instance in one case the root cause was to do with a woman that was forced by her husband to have an abortion. It would have been her first child. In another case, the lady closed down after a break up of a serious relationship.

The first thing to do with ME cases is to ask what was going on in the life when the ME began. Then you can you usually help the person to ascertain what triggered it. Once you know the root cause you can then help to work with it to heal it. The ME is the core issue not the root cause itself. The ME is the result of something that has happened that the mind simply does not wish to accept. As such a part of the person simply switches off.

As far as children are concerned I would also look at the parents case studies as well because the deeds of the parents do impact on children. Particularly when they are in the womb.

A great deal is being asked of children today, and I do feel that many of them are getting information overload in this computer age. Information overload can create the same kind of fatigue that is spoken about my people with ME. In all of the cases that I looked at the women were also underweight, very thin for the height, over well overweight. This could also indicate a metabolic correspondence as well or eating disorders that were not being declared. We have also found that eating disorders have also had past life connections and in one case the daughter took of the memory of an eating disorder that the mother had in a past life. It was essential that both mother and teenager received the past life healing therapy for the health issues that they were encountering.

One in 100 is also to do with the spiritual law.


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