Sunday 25 December 2011

Dragon Vision

As I was coming to the end of writing the 'Muslim Samson' post the LORD said July. [1] I just popped in to a social network forum and a person had a dream early Christmas morning about a festivity at a sports ground, and a dragon was a major part of the vision that had been seen. Aspects of the man's dream.

1. Hosts and other people.

2. Black top and tailgate party outside of a football stadium.

3. Large dragon lifts off the ground quote a distance away. It soared high. Like is was swimming but it was flying. In the dream the dragon flew in a way like it was swimming through the air.

4. The body opened up and spun around to let the man see every inch of it. It was enormous but also far away.

5. The dreamer was told by another man in the dream that the dragon was a prop and the dreamer said that he was wrong. He kept watching the dragon. He said that he was watching for about 30 seconds before the situation faded away.

6. The dreamer looked up the interpretation of his dream and he posted this comment 'Dragon in dream symbolizes your passions are allowing you to fall into enemy hands. I don't understand, I don't have enemies'.

Thank you to the poster for sharing his dream with us. 

First the word 'passion' and Christmas morning are both associated with Jesus Christ e.g 'The Passion of Christ' film. In the dream the man was watching in other words he was a 'watcher' of events rather than a participator in them. The man was told that what he was looking at was a 'prop' in other words not real, but the man knew that what he saw was real. This means that this is a real event that is going to happen. My view is that the vision was given to the man by Jesus Christ on Christmas morning.

The body of the dragon opened up and this indicates that the dragon is completely exposed, and the sheer size of the exposure is enormous. As we know the London Olympics is an enormous sports event and festivity that begins in July. The dragon was swimming and flying and 2012 is the Chinese Year of the Water Dragon and it begins on the 23rd of January. It was Chinese New Year in 2009 that Obama hit Pakistan four days into his presidency. The other aspect of the dragon is that it is mentioned in Rev 13 and that is also about this timeline. The 42 months in Rev 11 and Rev 13 is up in June 2012.

We have also repeatedly warned people, especially Americans to stay away from stadiums and large venues, as we know there were a lot of stadium disasters in 2011.

Nostradamus also provided a prophecy on the Olympics festivities and he used the word LOND and the prophecy is also related to the deluge of big floods. See previous post for the quatrains. [2] In the original Nostradamus post we also mentioned a prophecy in Genesis, South Korea and Russia.

What other prophecies are there about the Dragon? The first time the dragon appears is in the book of Revelation and the dragon stood against the wondrous woman from heaven. He and his followers were my accusers and they were so-called spiritual people. In Rev 13 the dragon comes out of the sea and gives the Leopard his power. The Leopard is the third beast from Africa e.g. Obama and as we told the Americans, the Leopard is no match for a Tiger and 'Eye of Tiger' was given to them as theme tune.

The timing was 30 seconds and 30 seconds is also the amount of time of a TV Commercial, that is to do with consumerism. In Rev 16, frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and the false prophet. In the past we shared with people that Rev 16 was to do with the politicians and you can anticipate American commercials for politicians during the summer. As we know France (EU) has also been in the news with the USA. In Rev 20, the dragon is seized and it is bound for a 1,000 years.

Will Obama be visiting the London Olympics in July with European leaders? Will he be at the opening ceremony? Well it looks like Obama is deploying 500 FBI agents to the London Olympics and has offered a 1,000. [3] More than likely that they will also have a ship at the dock for personnel, and there are US helicopters called 'Sea Dragon' the sea dragons have also been involved in Pakistan and Haiti.

Clearly, this Olympics is going to be a major operation with the US playing a major part in its security.



1 comment:

Eliakim said...

I shared with a friend in the USA that the British Press are writing about Mitt the Mormon and their involvement in the corporations, CIA, FBI and military.

My friend emailed me back with this note:

"The Mormans control the NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS and all the departments in our govt which are destroying our country. There are 500,000 mormans who live and work around Washington DC. This is up from next to nothing 50 years ago. I have a close friend who used to be a morman priest at a very high level who lives in the DC area who eventually put 2 and 2 together and left the church 10 years ago."