Thursday 5 May 2011

7th of May 2011 LUXOR

This is just a reminder about the next Luxor Gateway opening on the 7th of May, 2011. Looking at the  synchronicity. In the UK on British TV, 7th of May, there is a TV documentary on the race for the latest discoveries in EGYPT. It begins at 9.00pm and 9 is the number of completion and divine love.

In Oxford there is also a visit to the Oxyrhynchus Papyri Collection being organized by the Egypt Exploration Society. 

The 7th of May, 1704 is also associated to Suleiman Pasha of Egypt. This was the Ottomon Turk period of oppression, the Turks built many mosques during their time there. The tour Egypt website state that the Egyptians rebelled against the Turks and refused to pay them taxes. At the end of this timeframe, the French then got involved and Napoleon moved in on Alexandria and Cairo. Prior to that the Turks had managed to set two factions of Egyptian society against each other, and a lot of blood was spilt.

I wonder how much Egyptians care about the Muslim Arab conquest of their land.  Egypt was desired by the Muslim Arabs for its richness and prosperity. In his attempts to convince Umar, Amr was quoted saying:

O Commander of the Faithful, permit me to march on Egypt. It will be a source of strength and sustenance for the Muslims. It is the richest of lands on earth.

"Umar was not in favor of a wholesale invasion of Egypt and instead preferred the same strategy of raids and plundering employed at the northern borders, aimed at diminishing the morale and resources of the Byzantines in Egypt."

Diminishing morale and resources can be viewed as part of the 'Social and Economic Jihad' strategy, that Saudi Arabia used against the people of different nations; to defeat them and convert them to their Islamic religion. Does it remind you of what is going on in Western nations right now! 

Psalm 81, mentions how the LORD God of Israel as moved against Egypt for a testimony in JOSEPH. It also mentions the thundercloud that swept the USA Easter weekend. Do you get the feeling that the LORD God Almighty is standing against the Islamic oppressors and their conquest of many peoples, their lands, nations and natural resources? I once read that the prophet of Islam predicted that Islam will be pushed back under the stone from whence it came in Saudi Arabia. 

No surprise, that I was sent to Egypt twice. First to Giza, Cairo and then to Luxor on the nile cruise down to Aswan and back again. I spent 16 days in Egypt altogether. 16 in numerology is the number of the destruction of the citadel. In the major arcane it is the tower card, the destruction of the tower of babel. Citadel is also a naval term for a safe room on the ship. In the biblical prophecies it mentions the destruction of the towers, and states that the people will ask where the man is that took the money. The last time that I was in Egypt was prior to 9/11. I also heard the other day that my friends from Egypt are coming to England again in August for a few weeks. 

There is also a parable about a tower in the NT, and Christ spoke about the people that build the tower, and those that charge them rent for living on the land. He spoke about how those that were living on the land being rented and how they killed those that came to ask for their rent money.  I have written a book about it, because Christ stood against religion and its doctrines. 

I was compelled to write the book when I found that Muslims were being misled by Islamic scholars in respect of the parables. I must complete it and get it published. Many parables haven't been fully explained to the Christians because most biblical scholars do not understand the spiritual symbology that Christ was imparting. Hence, why the bible tells the scholars that the books are sealed until the end. The books were sealed for my sake, for the sake of JOSEPH to help the people, to give glory to God and his Son in the fulfillment of the prophecies. 

While I was writing the book back in 2007, Abba said loudly, 'YOU HAVE THE WRIT, ALL YOU HAVE DO IS ADD THE LEAVES'. 

The book as amazing potential to help to transform the world, and I made some wonderful discoveries while I was writing it. I do have a publisher interested in it, but had to wait for an editor to arrive. I will review what he has done at the weekend, when I have finished some paperwork that I must attend to. The book would make the most amazing film, and we did look for a literary agent that was also a film agent. My feeling is that this completion is all about perfect timing. Otherwise it would be published by now. 


Now I am being taken to the Sphinx and the Greek Sphinx was a woman, the body of a Lioness, the wings of an eagle, with a serpent headed tail. Clearly, the tail is to do with the kundalini. However, we did write about JUDAH and the COBRA. Please see the other post on the blog. 

The sphinx was the emblem of the ancient city of Chios and that is a Greek Island. The history of this island is well worth looking into. The island is the home of the Neo Moni of Chios 11th century monastery and it is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The monastery declined after the destruction of Ottomans in 1822 during the Greek War of Independence. It is written that it was sacked and looted, never to recover its former glory. In 1881, an earthquake damaged it further and its dome collapsed. 

Apparently, the image of the female sphinx appeared on seals and coins from 6BC to 3AD. Now that would link up with Abba mentioning the important date of 603BC. 

This marble Greek Sphinx is dated as 540BC. 

Now the plot thickens because the female sphinx in Greek mythology is to do with riddles, and one of the chapters in the book that I have written is called 'The Riddle'. 

The Egyptian Sphinx is written to be a man and the oldest known Sphinx was found at Gobekli Tepe in current day Turkey, dated 9,500BC. Now the structures at Gobekli Tepe have numerous T shaped monolithic pillars with low reliefs of the animals. However, it is claimed that all of the animals featured there were predators. It is written that they have been unable to read the pictographs. This whole site was buried in sand and reporters say that it was purposely buried from sight. Its site is dated as being 11,500 years old. That also links in with the millennium date that Plato gave for the sinking of Atlantis. The people that built these structures, are mostly likely the survivors of the great floods. 

Modern day, and in biblical times, predators are to do with cultural genocide. With the combination of cultural genocide and the fact that the structures are T shaped does intrigue me. In the ancient pictographs featured in the Hebrew Lexicon, the nearest one to the T shape is the crossed sticks, TAV and it means a sign or signature. My feeling is that the shamans involved in this, were giving a prophecy about the past to warn the people about what could happen in the future if we do not heed its warning. 

Hence, why they buried it with sand until the time came for the prophecy to be revealed. It is clear that they knew that it had to be something very special, for anyone to take any notice of the sign that they were leaving for humanity. 

The Daily Mail mentioned 'TEL ASSAR' to do with the garden of Eden and this site. Interesting play on words there with Tel as Sar. Sar in Hebrew means GOVERNOR.  So we can understand this as 'Tell as Governor'. In the biblical prophecies the governor is ELIAKIM. Also Telassar was in Syria, that means the land of Gobekli Tepe, would have been what is now known as Syria not Turkey if Turkey had not invaded it. 

Telassar is found in Isaiah 37. My goodness what do we find in Isaiah 37? ELIAKIM, the Virgin Daughter of Zion. It is written: "Did the gods of the nations that were destroyed by my predecessors deliver them—the gods of Gozan, Harran, Rezeph and the people of Eden who were in Tel Assar?". 

You will see in the video below there are two large stone pillars and then smaller ones. The stone pillars representing people. The two large pillars obviously represent the two most important people to the community. No coincidence that these structures came to become in TURKEY, bearing in mind that Turkey and its 80 million Muslims are looking to become part of the European Union. 

Philip Coppens wrote: Göbekli Tepe is a series of mainly circular and oval-shaped structures set in the slopes of a hill, known as Göbekli Tepe Ziyaret. “Ziyaret” means “visit”, but this is often left out of the name. And though some translate “Göbekli Tepe” as “Navel of the World” and “Gobek” does mean “navel” or “belly” and “Tepe” means “hill”, the most correct translation of the site’s name should be “bulged-out hill”.

The more sensationalist media have made attempts to link Göbekli Tepe with the biblical Garden of Eden. Göbekli Tepe is indeed old, but it is not unique; nor was it a garden. However, over the past 50 years the time-frame for the beginning of civilisation has been gently pushed back from the rise of the Sumerian civilisation to the construction of Göbekli Tepe. Alas, it has been a voyage that has not received the attention it should have had."

Its not the beginning of civilisation, IMHV, it indicates the beginning of the survivors of the floods. 
So the place name is VISIT NAVEL HILL. Feels like another part of the prophecy. The navel of the planet is Jerusalem in Israel. It is the solar plexus of the planet and we did visit. On a physical level, the navel is also part of the hara embraced by the oriental healing and martial arts. The Ha RA is the divine shrine within. However, if go back to where we started in ancient Egypt, RA is the sun god and in Hebrew Ha is 'THE'. So we can also say that Hara is 'THE (golden) SUN'. 

The belly is also associated with a well formed woman and a figurine of the 'fat lady' and text was found in the Valley of the Kings not far from where the last gateway was on the 2nd of April. We call it the Buddha belly. 

Also on this date in 2011, there is an 'Automation Technology' trade show in Cairo, for International Industrial Control Automation.

These video was also taken on the 7th of May 2010.



Anonymous said...

Hello Eliakim--everything is moving forward. Just an FYI!

Love you, your friend

Eliakim said...

Very good friend.

Love beyond measure
