Monday 23 May 2011


Nostradamus purposely used the word 'Hieron', Greek word, hieron, meaning a "shrine" or "holy building."[1] In the oriental healing arts the shrine is the divine shrine within, it is called the Hara, you will also find it mentioned by the Jewish prophets as the golden bowl. Ec 12:6 This is the same chapter that speaks of the testimony.

The link that we have shared with you mentions John chapter 2. It is written 'Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs that he was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus did not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person'.  

"But Jesus did not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people'. 

In other words, he could see beyond appearances directly into the heart.

"He did not need any testimony about mankind". 

Christ was far beyond the level of consciousness of 'needs' that is the lowest form of consciousness. He concentrated on ESSENTIALS from the heart.

That is a strange verse. It feels like the gospel writers are doing their utmost to justify him and his being. Is that because in John 2, he is talking about the holy shrine within that is divine? Or is it, that they knew full well that there was a Jewish prophecy that gives a prescription for a testimony to humanity for Joseph, and that prophecy was to do with the recent uprising in Egypt? Ecc 12.

Testimony of Warning, Syria [2] 

"For he knew what was in each person". 

Yes, advanced healers do know what is in each person and that is why he would not entrust himself to anyone. Does God entrust his holy ones to anyone that as not become their holy divine selves? Clearly, there was nobody at his level to match him at that point in time.

Also if the gospel writers are correct, then why would he require a testimony for mankind, if his mission was only with Israel? He gave his followers the prophecy that the Queen of the South would come, WISDOM WILL BE PROVEN RIGHT BY HER ACTIONS. He told them that the Paraclete and Spirit of Truth would come, to help them in the heavenly Father's timing.


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