Tuesday 10 May 2011


Following on from the previous post that mentioned the 'LEAF', a new crop circle as been found at Hannington, nr Cricklade in Wiltshire, England. It was reported on the 7th of May 2011.

Seven is a karmic number and is also the life number of the spiritual teacher. In the fifth month and five is the number of the physical manifestation. In the year of FOUR and the Chinese Year of the Rabbit. The 7th of May was also the day of the Luxor Gateway opening and cosmic consequences. The energetics of the day of the date is 754 and you will find a post dedicated to 754 on the blog.

The crop circle itself as three leaves and that can indicate three chapters in three books, or three chapters in your life. We have the old, the new and the last testament to come, as the ancient prophecies predicted. Biblically speaking the leaves are also for healing the nations (Rev 22) and we use flower essences from plants to help people with their healing process.

Three is also the number of 'innovate creative solutions' and 2010 was a three year. The three leaves are inside a CELTIC symbol with three sections to it. This is then placed upon three spheres with three inner suns that can be symbolic of three inner planets and three outer planets. The points of the three inner planets and three outer planets can also point to the STAR of DAVID. The Star of the Beloved.

The sun shapes also look like the SUN coming up on the horizon, this could also indicate three eclipses of the sun. The 1st of July 2011, is the third partial eclipse of the Sun in 2011. The third TOTAL eclipse of the sun from now will be on the 9th March, 2016. 

I am being told that the Christians will follow the spiritual, when they can see that the spiritual are implementing and doing the will of God as instructed. Then the Christians will surround you, protect you and defend you.

When I woke up today I was given the word 'SECTION' so let us count the sections to this crop circle. Section can also be viewed in terms of a section of the community, the remnant that God promised when his Son said 'the meek shall inherit the earth'. Who are the meek? Those that are willing to listen and do the will of God. AHAVA we must build, and you will see the sun on the horizon as the crop circle indicates on all sides of you with healing in its rays.

There are 13 sections to the crop circle and in Hebrew gematria that is the value of LOVE = AHAVA and ECHAD = THE ONE. I was also born on the 13th and the Jewish mystics wrote that whoever understands number 13 will have power and dominion. The heavenly Father also said that 'To HE that understands the promise there is no secret'.

Thank you to Steve Alexander for the photography and Crop Circle Connector for sharing it. [1]


This Irish celtic symbol as multiple meanings and is also called a celtic knot. The meaning of the word 'Triquestra' is simply triangle. TRI ANGLE nice play on words there with the TRY the ANGLE. You won't know, if you are not willing to try what is being presented to you. You won't know, if you are not willing to entertain the sacred union with the divine. The triangle is also the shape of the pyramid and that fits in perfectly with what we shared with you in regard to 754. 

When circles are drawn around celtic knots it is symbolic of spiritual unity with the divine. The sacred union with the divine, once in this union it cannot be broken by anyone.  Of course it is also the Holy Trinity of Father, Mother and Child. The symbol is associated with the goddess Danu who embodies the three aspects of the creative arts, healing and spiritual alchemy that includes mysticism. 

Modern day the symbol as become associated with the Vesica Piscis and that is the symbol that was given to go on the front page of our website. It can indicate a three fold being that also ties up with the originating cells and TRIAD energetics of the science of being. Krishna also spoke of a TRIAD in terms of three different bodies. Mental, (mind fields) Physical (includes Water) and Sentient (Senses, Feeling). 

I wrote about the TRIAD energetic system in detail in 1998-1999 in the first manuscript. The TRIAD energetic system is a blueprint for the physical body. Each part of it impacts on the physical being. It is the dynamic self healing system that is a major part of your consciousness. One can also view the triad in terms of the unconscious, sub-conscious and conscious mind fields. Christ and Prophet Isaiah also spoke about the fields of consciousness and scientists are now talking about the fields. Beyond that is what we call the SUPER CONSCIOUS you could refer to it as DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS the fourfold being that holds the moral compass of the FOUR sacred directions. 

There are FOUR originating DNA that duplicate and become eight after conception. These are major keys to healing humanity, and they are protected by the sacral bone at the base of the spine that just happens to be in the shape of a pyramid. Purified beings can instruct this DNA in the name of God and I was shown what to do. Miracles truly do happen when people truly surrender to the divine and we have a signed testimony to prove it. People can be taken out of the valley of death when their soul is willing. 

The small place of Hannington where the crop circle was found is in the district of HIGH WORTH. There is a bridge there that crosses the RIVER Thames. It carries a small road (narrow way) and the bridge is made of STONE that replaced the earlier wooden bridge. The bridge comprises of THREE small arches with a CAUSE WAY either side with flood arches. Rowing boats can reach this bridge. However, be aware that the water is FAST (track ascension) and shallow. Shallow waters is also related to ascension, when you walk in shallow waters like walking along the beach, emotion is minimal. In the post on PRUDENCE, LADY TEMPERANCE we shared the picture of the Angel of LORD. One foot on the land and one dipping in the water. she can walk on water in the way the Son of God taught her to do. She walks on the ocean of emotion. She is only allowed to calm the storms within the people when they are willing to do the will of God. As the heavenly Father said 'It is not a one way street.' 

As Abba said a couple of years ago. "SHEMA". 


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