Wednesday 18 May 2011


In this video it shows you the Leopard with his spots hunting the Impala otherwise called the antelope that defends the tree of life. The antelope is indigenous to Africa and Asia. The third beast mentioned by the Prophet Daniel is a Leopard. It is repeated again in the book of Revelation chapter 13. Clearly, Africa and Asia were going to be a major part of the last days of the end times; due to the Prophet Daniel mentioning the Leopard that is the predator of the antelope. No coincidence then that the LEOPARD software upgrade came into being.

When man hunts and kills the antelope that defends the tree of life, then you know that humanity have reached the end of their humanity.

The Leopard is also symbolic of Obama, the Leo the Leopard from Africa. However, Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness brings an end to him in divine timing with the divine plan. In the Prophet Daniel prophecies; what he calls the Saints are called Sons of Light in the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are some Christians, Jews and Muslims that believe that they are the Sons of Light. However, the Sons of Light are far beyond any religion in their being.

In the Dead Sea Scrolls, the coming of Melchizedek concludes that he is to instruct them about all of the periods of history for eternity. In the statutes of the truth and dominion, that passes from Beliah and returns to the Sons of Light by the judgement of God. Just as it is written concerning him "who says to Zion "Your divine being reigns" Isa 52.7. "ZION is the congregation of all of the Sons of Righteousness, who uphold the covenant and turn away from walking in the way of the people. "Your divine being" is Melchizedek, who will deliver you from the power of Beliah. Concerning what scripture says "Then you shall have the trumpet sounded loud: in the seventh month" (Lev 25:9). 

The leader of the NOI, made it clear in public on video that Obama career's path is with Asia (Islam) and Africa.

Let us help the Antelopes any way that we can to keep them informed. They shall not be oppressed, suppressed or hunted by the people of the West. Its important that they come to know; that the
Sons of Light carefully about the people of all nationalities and nations.

However, they will not walk in the ways of the people.

They only walk in the ways of God.




Anonymous said...

Dear Abba--Why is Obama doing this very thing? I thought that perhaps he was changing. No? What has prompted this fierce attack on the Antelope?
Love, 'me.'

Eliakim said...

Natural resources, and their wish to make the USA rich again on the backs of a global economy by creating expansion of markets in Asia and Africa.

An Israeli midwife told me that she was amazed that how in such poverty such as it is in Africa, the amount of mobile phones and coca cola was bizarre.

The corporations are endlessly looking for new markets. Due to them being committed to increase their profits for shareholders.

PLC's are subject to the demands of their shareholders and investors. Once a company sells out to the stock markets, they then lose their autonomy.

This then creates a situation where PLC's are only in it for the money, and the PLC's become money changers. When that happens they are no longer an asset to humanity, they have become a liability that wield their power in unsatisfactory ways.

When the builders were here yesterday they were telling me how we are dumping electrical goods that don't work in Africa. Africa is accepting the goods that Brits have taken to the dumps for recycling. The Brits are not aware that what they are dumping at town dumps is being sent to Africa and being dumper there.

If a product cannot be recycled then they have to be redesigned so that they can be recycled. In my humble view.

The nations cannot keeping dumping and polluting the world due to consumerism.

This requires a heart of conscience that is filled with wisdom.