Saturday 21 May 2011


This morning on waking Abba gave me this message:

Iranian Abadu Die
The rose with thorns
Creating storms

The last time that Abba mentioned Abadu was in respect of the USA on the 18th of April 2011. Here the first start of the information from that post.

"When I woke up today from rest, I was pondering on the fact that it is nearly time to move on and join the righteous and holy ones and then Abba said 'ABADU' and in Hebrew it means 'Shall Perish'. Adam Clarke states that the word Abadu is missing from Isaiah 15:7. However, it can also be found in Psalms 137:2, Jeremiah 48:1, Lamentations 5:22, Ezekiel 38:17. He also states that in the Syriac it is translated as 'aber' 'He hath passed'. [1]"

Here is a link to the original post.

There is also a play on words there with DO or DIE that Abba said in 2010. 

ABBA, DO OR DIE. FATHER DO OR DIE. In the Malachi Prophecies the Father's are warned that they must turn their hearts to the Children and the children must turn their hearts to the fathers, or the earth will be smitted with a curse. 

In the book of Daniel and the prophecies about the last days of the end times, there is the mention of the Prince of Persia. Prophet Ezekiel also mentions a lament of Tyre situated at a gateway to the sea. Merchants of peoples on many coasts. They took the cedar from Lebanon to make a mast for you. Masts are to do with boats. It mentions the oars that came from Cyprus. The linen came from Egypt to make the banners, the awnings were purple and blue. Men from Persia, Lydia and Put served in your army. The prophecy states that the EAST wind will break you. Chapter 27, mentions many nations in the Middle East that did business with them. The prophecy then ends with: 

"When your merchandise went out on the seas, you satisfied many nations; with your great wealth and your wares you enriched the kings of the earth. Now you are shattered by the sea in the depths of the waters; your wares and all your company have gone down with you. All who live in the coastlands are appalled at you; their kings shudder with horror and their faces are distorted with fear. The merchants among the nations scoff at you; you have come to a horrible end and will be no more.’”

Why are the people on the coastlines appalled at you? Remember the OIL SPILLS? If there was no oil there would be no oil spills. That is the root cause of the core issue OIL, Oil = Money = Power to wield over others, that you have helped to become dependent on the commodity that enslaves the people to the powers of the Middle East. People are not a commodity, without love they become so. 

The prophecy indicates a flotilla disaster due to its mention of the boat, and in other prophecies it is the beast from the sea.  In the the book of Daniel it also speaks of Daniel in the den of LION's and the other day we wrote about the Jewish tombs of the Prophets being defaced in Iraq. We also featured the tomb of Joseph being destroyed in the West Bank. 

Notice the name of part of the Palestinian state,  WEST BANK, yes, they surely have done well out of the WORLD BANK and Westerners do not wish to pay for something out of their pay packets they do not agree with. Westerners did not give their elected officials power of attorney of how their money shall be spent. 

It was during the reign of Gordon Brown that England finally paid off its debt to Germany, due to WW2, a war that the Germans started. Where is the social justice in that? Germany received the money to build an advanced state at the cost of the children of Europe. 

The Europeans are not up for it again. Islamic nations must pay for themselves, you have enough oil money between you to share. The same with Iran, Europeans have paid towards the rebuilding of Iran due to WW2. The Middle East as been founded on Western money taken out of the pay packets of the people from the West, and this must stop immediately. The people have had enough of the sheer immensity of the waste of their money, enough of their money going straight down the drain to the sewers of cultural genocide. 

If oil rich nations did not eradicate poverty in their own lands, with all that extra financial support, they have nothing to offer the West. The Middle East is blessed with a lot of sunshine, so there is no excuse for a lack of ecological self-sustainability. Furthermore, there is no excuse for a lack of water when it can be co-created with the sun when you live ecologically. 

Goodness gracious me, you have enough sand to build free homes for everyone with free energy in abundance where people can grow their own food themselves. People come together and build new homes and communities. Share together and build together, unite for freedom to be. Devoid of money men and the corporate sharks that wield their power over you, while you allow them to do so. 

“Now then, I tell you the truth: Three more kings will arise in Persia, and then a fourth, who will be far richer than all the others. When he has gained power by his wealth, he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece. Then a mighty king will arise, who will rule with great power and do as he pleases. After he has arisen, his empire will be broken up and parceled out toward the four winds of heaven. It will not go to his descendants, nor will it have the power he exercised, because his empire will be uprooted and given to others" Chapter 11. 

It looks like the power of the Iranian that as been stirring up the other Islamic nations against Israel will fall. The Iranian was doing his utmost to build an empire just like the King of Saudi, in the name of his religion. The prophecy states that the nations that he as done his utmost to influence will be uprooted. In my humble view that means the Shiite nations and those where there are Shiites. In the prophecies given by Christ about the last days of the end times, he said that everything that my Father did not plant will be uprooted and in other translations the word is 'PULLED UP' like pulling weeds out of the ground so that the roses are not strangled anymore. 

These nations include: 


For the Iranian to be richer than all the others, he would have to have been born in the 'oil rich' era, the FOURTH King in this year of four. It states that his empire will not go to his descendant's, nor will it have power to be exercised. What is power that is exercised? The military and as we know power is 'nuclear'. Money as also been used as power over others in the biblical prophecies of the Middle East, Saudi also used its power to fund the building of mosques where they did not belong. Christ predicted that the religious buildings would come down in the last days of the end times. 

The prophecy above states that they will be parceled up to the FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN. This means that they are ascending out of a purely earthly reality. 

The four sacred directions of the moral compass that exists here and now, before your very eyes. 

Abba called the Iranian the 'Rose with thorns creating storms' that means he is a person that as not healed himself and in so doing. He has not blossomed into the perfection of God's creation and wonderful fragrance as everyone can be. The Iranian creates storms and storms can be understood in many different ways. The people have no desire to live under a black cloud forevermore, they have moved beyond the illusion just like the people leaving Plato's cave. 

Now that they have seen the blue skies and how the sun with the heat of divine love  empowers them to be free, they choose freedom because they know that they were born free in the way that God intended them to be. They will choose the golden path home to the LORD, now that they can see the sun on the horizon. They will choose the highway to holiness, the way of healing their souls and their nations, for it is God's will for them to do so. 

The sacred union with the divine is the cure for all ills. It is time for sublime audacity. 

Divine love beyond measure



Anonymous said...

Eliakim--I understand this. Abadu has a choice to make, either DO or DIE. Cannot sit on the fence. A rose smells very sweet, and is pleasing to see and experience, but this rose also has thorns. Abadu is fighting God's Will for him. The Iranian is indeed trying to start War and advance his own agenda. The other countries are very upset over this. The Rose is trying to help Abadu, but he is rebellious. That is his choice, but he must accept the consequences of his actions, or lack, thereof. Abadu needs to make a choice NOW!

Eliakim said...

My view is that the people of Iran are rising up beyond the illusion and this is happening throughout the Islamic nations as well.

This is a grassroots movement that we predicted would come to be. Emotive social evolution. The people at the grass roots do not wish for war and the war mongers will be replaced.

I do not envisage a war with Iran, I see a vision of the people uniting around the world against the war mongers. However, they will not be fooled by the illusion of Obama either or any of the money men from any nation.

Its time for the corporate sharks to come to their end. End of globalization and end of their new world order and one world religion.

That's why the prophecy states that they will be packaged for the four winds of heavens. The moral compass of the four sacred directions.

The man from Iran is the rose with thorns and he will be leaving with his thorns.

During the last Bush administration I received this message from the LORD.

9th of March 2006.

The Bush can catch alight and burn the dross away, purification of the soul, being burnt to the ground.

God does not step in to save the Bush because the purification of one soul saves millions of more souls from harm.

A bush that is burnt to the ground returns to ashes and a new tree can grow in its place. There is always a higher perspective.


As we know everyone must accept the consequences of their actions. I feel on unconscious levels many souls have now made their choice to align their will with the will of God because since the end of August 2010, they have witnessed with their own eyes what happens when they refuse to do the will of God.

The planet cannot sustain any more violent wars and violence vexes the Spirit of God and disempowers the souls involved in them.

Love beyond measure