Saturday 14 May 2011


The last post brought forth forbidden love, I remember it well. There was a time when I did not believe that the divine forbid anything. 

However, the more that I ascended the more I came to know that God does forbid his blessed ones. In the early days of your spiritual growth it can come as a warning from the soul for your own defence and protection.

In November 2003, I was also forbidden to meet with a Swiss man for lunch, the divine had other plans for me that day. Afterwards, I discovered that there was to be an important portal opening on an Italian bridge in Florence. I was to ground the energies into the physical domain. 

However, after the work had been completed, I did my utmost to meet with him. The divine did everything they could to block the way, we never did meet that day or night. As we know the Swiss stayed neutral during WW2, they made a huge profit from the bank accounts of laundered money. Those that live in earthly reality, and are neutral in the face of oppression. Carry the cost of the oppression of the children of the world, it is a heavy karma.

As Christ said 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world".

In the latter days of the rising of your soul, the forbidding, foreboding, can come as a warning from an Archangel, in my case it was Archangel Michael warning me about having a a relationship with an English man in January 2004.

When you have ascended completely, it can come from God himself. The last time I was forbidden, I was forbidden to go Saudi Arabia. After I was forbidden to go to Saudi due to an invitation from the Princess mentioned in Psalm 45. She rang again, told me that people were coming to my town and she invited me for dinner. Once again, I was forbidden to go for dinner to meet anyone from Saudi.

However, let me also say that I do have Islamic friends, born in Egypt, Pakistan and Italy. Of course the children of the Egyptian friends were also born in England and some of the children still live here.


Does it remind you of the ancient Greek legends of forbidden love?

The last time a man came into my life I was not forbidden. However, the heavenly Father made it quite clear that he was not happy about the connection. I trust the heavenly Father with all of my heart and soul, do you? Always remember that the heavenly Father is like the best Dad in the world. He only gives his blessing to the very best of those that do his will as instructed. He blesses those that are good.

This video is about ARTEMIS RISING and the choice that humanity have to make, the choice is now life or death. However, the Catholic belief is the same as the Pagan belief it just as different names for its deities, rituals and doctrines. It mentions Tristan who saves the nymph Arethusa. Tristan is a CELTIC name from old French and it means 'Tumult' and 'Noise'. I do remember when I was young, I once had to make a choice between two men. One called Paul and one called Adam, prior to that I had to make a choice between Adam and his friend. Life is all about choices and every choice as a cost.

I chose Adam because with him I could truly be myself, heart, mind and soul. He saw beyond appearances and the beauty within. A beauty and heart that I did not see or truly appreciate at that time.

It was a heart felt connection that few could ever understand, it was beyond most people's comprehension. Being a gentle Piscean, he was very sensitive to energies. I wonder now, if he truly understands the energies that he was sensitive too. I seem to be most compatible with the water signs due to their sensitivity and natural inner strength.

Looking back over my life there are some choices that I would not have made had I truly listened to my heart and soul. However, in hindsight, I made more good choices then I did other ones.



Anonymous said...

Hello Elikim--guess what? The 13th Mayan Crystal Skull has just been found! It was found in Germany, (Nazi-SS). Here's the original article, but it's in German, and don't have an English Translation...
Also, read here:
Hmmm...could this have an impact upon this 'Forbidden meeting with Saudi-Swiss/Nazi-SS?" They both have German ties, and now this 13th Skull HAS JUST BEEN FOUND! What timing! What do you think?
Thanks, your friend, me.

Eliakim said...

Found in Germany? That should be interesting if its kosher. Thank you for sharing friend.

I will keep my eye open for it.

Let's say a prayer for Israel today.