Monday 9 May 2011

Pygmalion Effect II

Following on from the 'Accent Sign for America' and the story of ELIZA and 'My Fair LADY' we have what is called the 'Pygmalion Effect'. Interesting play on words there from Bernard Shaw, with Pig, MA and LION. The little pink piglet becomes a mother and then a Lion to defend her young from predators.

One can understand the 'Pygmalion Effect' as being part of the physics of the cosmos and the cause and effect of all things.

It was proved that the more positive people are with their students the greater they perform. However, there is a time and place for everything. For instance, with a person that is suicidal, I use two different methods with them.

The first is to see if they have any anger within them, so that they can access their power and will to live. If they have no anger then I tell them that there is no point taking their own life because they simply come back to earth to do it all over again. Those that have been suicidal, then usually decide to stay on the planet instead of take their own lives. They make the choice, due to not wishing to suffer all the same pain again. I agree with Carl Jung, that 85% of mental health issues are to do with failed initiations on the rite of passage.

One as to handle those that have lost their light of hope very carefully,  it takes a lot of experience of handling sensitive souls. To be able to decide what is the best track to take with them. However, I have never lost a person yet, who was willing to share what they were feeling with me.  Those that truly listened and integrated what I had to share with them, were taken out of the valley of death.

One could say the same to Muslims, martyrdom is a failed initiation on the rite of passage home to God. Those that purposely, put themselves in harm's way, come straight back to earth to do it all over again. Until the time comes when you learn that God is the God of the living not the (spiritually) dead.

In the original 'Pygamlion Effect' it is written in terms of the teacher-student relationship. [1] In effect it is really the story of a MENTOR and we made a post in 2010 on how we are moving into the age of the MENTOR to replace the teacher-student relationship of superior-inferior paradigm of professional hats and masks that people tend to wear unknowingly.

That's the same reason why Christ told his followers not to call him teacher. He was mentoring them to be the best that they could be. However, he did also rebuke them when they were being wooden heads and not understanding the simplicity of his truth. Bearing in mind that he was talking to adults and not children. He also told them off when they were intoxicated with his love for them. He did not ask for blind faith in him, he asked for trustful loyalty in integrity. He was asking for honor, good virtue and good will for all men, women and children, that were brought into the sphere of his followers; for justification of their souls through healing.

He also knew that love can blind people to reaching their fullest potential. He knew that the love bubbles can burst, when people are faced with those that do not appreciate real love and its ability to heal the souls of the world. Hence, why he said 'Love can heal the world and compassionate action changes it'. 'You can love your car, but you won't get a new one unless you change it.'  from Sacred Words.

That means like Ghandi said,  changing the selves and being the change that you wish to see in the world.

The 'Pygmalion Effect' is about belief systems and what people believe about themselves. When people come to know that their potential is limitless, then there is nothing that they cannot achieve if and when people are single minded and very focussed.

Positivity is also the first step on the way to ascension, without positivity one does not go very far on the way home to God, or the wellness and goodness that one can find within.

Pygmalion Effect II, that I have shared in the past, on my spiritual psychology website and here too. The mentor is the facilitator to help others to understand their own science of being. It is about a relationship of equals and honoring all people as unique and special individuals. All have their own talents, skills and creativity to bring to the table; when people know how to access their natural talents within.

We share with you that 'Everything as value when you value everything'. From humble beginnings, you can turn your lives around into something truly wonderful. Everyone would like to be happy and realize their dreams. With a few simple techniques we shared with the people how to make this possible. We shared how easy it is to heal the self through being able to process the thoughts, words and deeds.  The people experienced how light they felt once they began their healing journey. Very quickly, they were able to get rid of the baggage that they had been carrying for most of their lives. Issues that not only impact on their health, but their communities, partners, children and the planet.

How free they felt when they were not carrying those issues anymore. It is a freedom and liberation that few understand, because few have had the humility and courage to seek within. Through healing the self, one is able to access your true purpose for being.

Many souls carry memories from past lives that impact on this lifetime, this is also mentioned in the NT. The unconscious mindfields can be very powerful indeed and when people do not access them, they are walking through life on automatic pilot of unawareness. People say that knowledge is power. However, I say to you, that if you do not understand the science of your own being, then you have no knowledge of what real power is.

When you come to know the true power of your manifestation on this planet, then you come to live in true humility of it. When the underprivileged families began to heal themselves, it opened up doorways and gateways for them they did not know existed. Their realities completely changed, they found the goodness within themselves and were able to break the never ending cycles that had gone down many generations.

Through their own self realization, they became far more aware of their footprint on the planet and how important the ecology of the planet was to their own well being. They came to know and understand that their new reality, was a true blessing to themselves and others.

The parents came to me of their own free will, because they hoped for a better future for their children then they had experienced growing up. I shared everything that I could with them in the 37 hours, that we spent together, I called them my friends and exulted them in equality. On the day that we waved goodbye, I told them that I will always hold them in my heart, and I am still in touch with some of them that have email addresses.

They put such effort into their own self-development, healing process and journals, they were so happy to be able to share the light and love of everything that they were becoming; with the ones that truly loved them unconditionally. This relationship was not based upon detachment like the medical profession. It was based on friendship and the willingness to help each other. It was based upon self-disclosure of the mentor in the healing process to assist them to understand themselves.

I know in my heart, that I gave them a few essential tools and techniques to help them forevermore. When people get on track and know the way, the path then becomes so much easier and life becomes a treasure chest to enjoy.

They were blessed to receive the benefit of a life time of experience. Many were sent to me or led to me by the LORD. I have often said the LORD God Almighty, does not waste my time. He only sends people to me, and me to people and nations that can be helped, if they align their will with his; to give them what they require to break the status quo.

The film critics were correct, 'It is the musical of perfection'.

Love beyond measure



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