Friday 27 May 2011


There as been a report today that "Fearful Teen as committed suicide due to Harold Camping's Judgement Day Prediction", Christian News. The child comes from MARI-EL.[1]

On the 23rd of February, 2011 we wrote a post titled 'LOTUS TURNS UP THE HEAT' In that post we shared different visions and messages. Included in that post was some information about Syria, Russia, and Mari EL. I do feel that the suicide of this child is an important sign.

The first mission I was given abroad was with depressed and suicidal children in 1998-1999, while I was in Australia. The death of this child must be taken very seriously by Christians. To those that stand against me and the LORD get out of our way.

The other day Abba also told the people to 'Be Responsible'.  People must take responsibility for what they are putting up on the internet where children can access what is being seen and consumed. As we know children of all age groups can access youtube and channels like it.

You will also remember how we made the point and warned Camping about the 21st of May, and that it was not the day of judgement. Just like we warned the USA not to fire the grids in 2007.

The child was 14 years old. 14 is the number of 'CHALLENGE', communication across all frontiers.
All of the internet should be told about this case of the suicide of the child.

This is just a few sections from our original post that mentioned MARI-EL. 

Then I saw a black cloak, and that as turned up something interesting as well. Melanchlaeni means black cloaks and it is written that it relates to two tribes, one mentioned by Herodotus that lived north of Scythia, and they have been identified as some of the finnic tribes. The other tribe is mentioned by Pliny the Elder. 
When looking at the Finnic tribes I was drawn to the MARI EL due to the other visions that was shown after the black cloak. The Mari El Republic and its people the MARI was part of Russia. 
"Mari El's indigenous Mari people are undergoing what most neutral observers see as ethnic persecution, with noted foreign leaders and diplomats, the European Parliament and the UNHCR calling for inside and outside pressure to end this repression." [2]
"Then I saw Christ in a black cloak and he was standing with his arms open wide and stretched out and he was creating the cross with his body. That links back to the Mari people because it seems there as been some dispute over whether it is two fingers or three to indicate the cross. In this picture portrayed on the information those that are disputing the finger number are called the 'Old Believers'.  Honestly, you would think that Christians have more important things to do then concern themselves on how to make the sign of the cross. '[2]
See link 2 to see the complete posting and its messages. 
On the 23rd of March 2011. We also wrote a post called 'RUSSIAN DOLLS, HEALING BLINDNESS' and it mentions the vision of russian dolls that were smashed. What are dolls to do with? Children. [3]
When I began to write this post Abba said 'EPIC ENTER'.  
Point of focus, cardinal point on the fault line. As we know the epicentre is to do with earthquakes. 
My view of this is that the children are the center of the EPIC. 
An EPIC is to do with words written that are elevated and dignified in language. Celebrating the FEATS of a legendary or historical hero. A literary or dramatic composition. A series of events that considered appropriate for an epic. Surpassing the usual or ordinary. Impressive in quality. 

I can tell you this, that LOTUS FEET will definitely turn up the heat now. 

The death of this child as sung to my heart. 

May the child who as died rest in peace. 



Eliakim said...

Another atrocity about to happen. Mother tries to kill children and herself in the USA.

Anonymous said...

?? What ?? Eliakim--this is most unthinkable, for a mother to even contemplate for her children and even herself! Unthinkable atrocity!!...

Eliakim said...

Yes, another one that believed in Camping. Abba just said 'diminished responsibility'.