Thursday 5 May 2011

Ancient Greece/Turkey

Its clear from the sheer amount of ancient Greek sites in modern day Turkey, that there is a large part of Turkey that once was the land of the Ancient Greeks. [1]

Archaeologists have also discovered a temple that sheds light on the so-called dark age. They claim that it was built in the 10th/9th centuries BCE.

"Ancient sources — such as the Homeric epics and the Hebrew Bible — depict an era of widespread famine, ethnic conflict and population movement, most famously including the migrations of the Sea Peoples (or biblical Philistines) and the Israelites. This is thought to have precipitated a prolonged Dark Age marked by cultural decline and ethnic strife during the early centuries of the Iron Age. But recent discoveries — including the Tayinat excavations — have revealed that some ruling dynasties survived the collapse of the great Bronze Age powers.
"Our ongoing excavations have not only begun to uncover extensive remains from this Dark Age, but the emerging archaeological picture suggests that during this period Tayinat was the capital of a powerful kingdom, the ‘Land of Palastin’," says Timothy Harrison, professor of Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Toronto and the director of the project. "Intriguingly, the early Iron Age settlement at Tayinat shows evidence of strong cultural connections, if not the direct presence of foreign settlers, from the Aegean world, the traditional homeland of the Sea Peoples." [2]

So as you can see the original Palestinians did not come from Israel or Gaza. We also know from Egyptian archaeology that the Sea Peoples also invaded Egypt.



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