Tuesday 3 May 2011


While bathing I saw a vision of the last Pope and nuns, then I saw a sparkling flower like you see in Egyptian hieroglyphs. I was also reminded about the ancient Coptic texts that have still not been translated into English. There is going to be an unveiling, I can feel it in my water.

First we had the SERABIT, Lady Sara in the Sinai in Egypt posted on our other blog the other day. The temple there was built in the era of Ramses II. It appears that the views that Ramses II was King Solomon is increasing all of the time. Ramses II was responsible for a peace treaty and he also did a lot of building during his time as King. Ramses means 'born of the Sun'. RA-Messias, there we seem to have the origin of the title Messiah. [2] I can see where this is going, in the biblical prophecies Christ told the people that the 'Queen of the South' has greater wisdom than Solomon.

In this context, it means she as greater wisdom then a Messiah that the Rabbi's consider to be a human being. I can also see his own purpose for telling them that as well. He was greater than a Messiah, as such anyone that calls him a Messiah, really does not appreciate the wisdom that he imparted or who he was.

By calling him Messiah, the people are confining him to the status of an earthly King that is anointed like the Kings and Queens that sit on the throne of England, like King Solomon and King David. Instead of a Heavenly King that anoints others. As he said my Kingdom is not of this world. How true is that, big smiles. Our reality is far beyond any earthly reality.

Take a look at the pictures, it looks like Serabit was flooded at some point. [3]

Then on the ancient Egypt blog the author, Andus Kaulins shares with us that the pictograph for JUDAH is a raised COBRA. [2] Usually people write that the raised Cobra in Egypt is symbolic of a QUEEN (who is a prophetess.) Bearing in mind that the staff of Moses turned into a cobra as well. They also found old Hebrew writings at Serabit. There does seem to be a lot of connections with the desert Hebrews with Serabit, far too many to discount. A lot more archaeological research should be done in this area IMHV.

We made an old post on the biblical prophecy to do with the basket and the two women that would carry it. In that post we also mentioned the cobra. [1] In the biblical prophecies the basket is laid on the alter before the LORD God. Psalm 81 states that when God went out against Egypt, he established it as a statute for JOSEPH. I removed the burden from their shoulders, their hands were set free from the basket. In your distress you called, and I rescued you. I answered you with a thundercloud'. After the uprising in Egypt this year, then the thunderclouds e.g. storms arrived in the USA. That also links in with the seven deer that died in the USA on Easter Sunday.

When we originally posted about the woman in the basket, I didn't check the translations as I should have done at that time. I wrote the word "Babylonia' as per the NIV translation. However, it should say SHIN'AR and it means a 'country with two rivers.' [4]Now the town that I live in had two rivers one either side of it in Roman times.

Now on the basis of what Andus is saying the Lion of Judah would then become the = Lion of Cobra. On the 7th of May we also have the next gateway opening in Luxor, Egypt. There is more to come.


1. http://academysounds.blogspot.com/2010/06/woman-in-basket.html

2. http://ancientegyptweblog.blogspot.com/2006/03/ramses-ii-was-king-solomon.html

3. http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/serabit.htm

4. http://www.studylight.org/isb/bible.cgi?query=zec+5:11&it=nas&ot=bhs&nt=na&sr=1&l=en

5. http://academysounds.blogspot.com/2011/05/easter-lightening-deer.html


Anonymous said...

Hello Eliakim--compare this Post, regarding the 'Two Rivers,' and your immediate Previous Post, re: Memphis Update. The Two Rivers could also be the Ohio River and Mississippi Rivers, with references to Cairo AND Memphis. Hence, it could be seen as a U.S.A. Connection. Something is going to happen in the U.S.A., between May 3 and May 10. Flood Waters also regards to the Queen's Justice--just like when you flew into Queensland, Australia, and how it was terribly flooded, and the Queen's Justice upon the People. Same thing here. Also, your references to the 'Pope' are SPOT ON! Yes, an Unveiling will soon come. I am the one who posted that lengthy Post last night, in which I asked you to delete-thanks! I did mention re: a Man of Power--and you nailed it! A Pope! More-to-come with me, as well. I also understand the Ramses connection. Yes, a Peace Treaty will be established, by an unlikely person. Yes, a definite Cobra connection with all of this. Cobra DOES represent a Queenship, at the side of a King. Regarding Ramses and the Messiah. Looks like someone is finally wanting to do God's Will--just perhaps! A turnaround from what they were, before. We'll see...Actions speak louder than words! I'll write more, as you write more...
Love, your friend

Anonymous said...

Also, there is plenty of evidence that I see in your Postings, that at this point, and for a little while now, that your Postings are in the PRESENT TIME LINE, and refer to CURRENT EVENTS, Daily, even hourly, moment-by-moment.

Love, your friend

Eliakim said...

Thank you for sharing, I do know a man that knows he was Ramses II, we have also discussed that he was Solomon. He was also mentioned in the Black Elk prophecy although I cannot reveal it in the public domain. Yes, he would like to God's will but he tends to go off in a tangent. Hence, why Christ said that the Queen of the South as more wisdom than Solomon.

Time will tell how this evolves.

Christ also predicted that last Pope would come in the scriptures and he predicted the age their work would begin and when it would end. The age when the work ends aligns perfectly with what Nostradamus wrote about me.

I view the everlasting covenant for the children that we delivered in 2007 as the covenant of peace mentioned by Prophet Isaiah. However, a person themself can also be the covenant of peace because they are peace beyond measure. I wrote a post on our other blog the other day called 'My peace, Divine Peace' humanity bring me your peace.

I wrote it specifically for the peace makers that still have not embraced and integrated that peace can only be found within.

Yes, I agree present time line, karma is coming back upon the people very fast. My feeling is that this is to ensure that these last days are shortened for the sake of the elect.

As soon as God pressured me to remove my light from the USA, current events manifested almost immediately afterwards.

Blessings in abundance friend.

Eliakim said...

Yes, I can also see the 'two rivers' connection with the USA and in Micah 4 it also aligns with Psalm 81, when he says he would rescue her from her enemies. However, Micah 4 and Psalm 81 do appear to have a slightly different timing.

While resting I could also see how God is showing the USA and its inhabitants that the earth is under his feet. As the biblical prophecies state the earth is his footstool and we are to tread lightly upon it.