Wednesday 4 May 2011

Journalistic Fools - Bin Laden Story

People have been asking me for my view on the Bin Laden story. Here is my response that I have also sent to the media in the UK. Front page news in the UK today is covered in Bin Laden as well. The  media must think that the people were born yesterday. It comes to something when the people are more informed than the media. The truth movement have done a grand job reaching out to the people in recent decades. However, I do not include Alex Jones, because he is another one that as been caught out just like the mainstream press.

When 9/11 happened I was compelled to tell the people immediately, that they were being taken for fools. In recent months the media both here and abroad are being exposed by the people that are aware and awake.

Journalists that simply have not done their homework. The national press have become like trade magazines, that print what the PR agencies send them without thorough investigation into the facts of the case. What happened to investigative journalism that inspired the film 'All the Presidents Men? 

No surprise then that the journalistic fools have fallen hook, line and sinker for the latest scam of the Bin Laden story. Those that have done their research know that on the David Frost show in the USA, (years ago) it was televised that Bin Laden was already dead. Apparently, he died in battles on the  border of Pakistan and Afganistan. The prime minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto that shared the story was murdered as well, clearly, she knew too much and was not afraid to speak her truth.

At this point in time, the people do not trust the governments or the media that represent them on a daily basis. My Father was a newspaper man and printed the national newspapers, his advice was that if you are going to read a newspaper then you should read at least six different ones, then read between the lines.

The media are going to have to shape up or ship out.


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