Saturday 3 December 2011

Lady Diana C6.Q63

Das Abra claims that C6. Q63 is about Queen Victoria and has made this video. However, the quatrain that he cites with the video has no indication that this quatrain is anything to do with Queen Victoria.

The lady left alone in the realm
By the unique one extinguished first on the bed of honor:
Seven years will she be weeping in grief,
Then with great good fortune for the realm long life.

This quatrain speaks of a Lady not a Queen like Victoria. First her light was extinguished on a bed of honor, in other words her marriage bed. Her marriage was extinguished by the unique one and we all know what that means in terms of the bedroom with her husband Prince Charles. In other words another woman that was unique in bed. Lady Diana was a Virgin when she married, she had been saving herself for the right one. Hence, she would have been inexperienced sexually when she first married. 

The English are also aware of the Charles and Camilla tapes that were divulged in the media as well. It was well understood by the people of the realm, that the woman that Prince Charles was having an affair with was about sex with a married woman. The break-up of two marriages were the result, and of course the grief followed. No surprise then that the Nostradamus numbers in this case add up to 69 and seven is to do with forgiveness in the NT. Her weeping for seven years indicates that it took her seven years to forgive. 

She wept for seven years, well Lady Diana Spencer certainly wept a lot, and as we know Elton John also sang about how her light was extinguished like a candle in the wind at her funeral.

What was Lady Diana's realm? She brought compassionate action and mercy to the realm of England and its people. She brought it into the eye of the people for all the world to see, the sheer power of her giving love unconditionally. Diana also demonstrated it to her sons and showered them with her love. Diana did her utmost to give her children a life that was as normal as possible. Hence, why, even when they were children, she would take the children to visit the homeless in London.

The children were wrapped up warm for the cold winter evening. Those memories of what their mother did for them will always remain in their heart, in every breath they take, she is there with them. Maybe that is why Prince William chose to be part of the rescue air force. Her first born on a rescue mission.

Also Lady Diana's parents also split up when she was just seven years old. Her mother had an affair. Clearly, our Queen of Hearts was experiencing a double grief when her own marriage was extinguished by the affair of her partner.

Her life certainly brought good fortune for the land of England, her legacy of compassionate action. love and mercy will certainly have long life, her blessed memory will live on in the hearts of the people and its children. Compassion and mercy is essential for long life and the health of every nation. Forever in our hearts for all that she did to help the people and the children of the nations.

Diana was left alone in the realm because she stepped up and stood out in the realm. The light shone from her heart of pure intention and it touched the hearts of nations.

Love beyond measure Lady Diana,



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