Saturday 3 December 2011

Family Torture of the Nations

When I woke up today I was shown family scenes and then the LORD said 'Torture'. No surprise then to find that today the British Police force have finally released numbers on the attacks on Muslim women by Muslim men. 2,823 took place last year and 500 of them happened in London. The information was requested by the Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation. It comes to something when you have ask the governments police force for figures.

In this BBC interview with Diana Nammi she states that the police force in the UK, are soft on the Muslim community due to its political correctness and the police are wrong. She also said that she suspects that the real picture of what is really going on in the Muslim community is a lot darker than the figures show. [1]

Indeed Diana, I agree.

In Saudi, the news today is also that the cleric has warned that it will be the 'End of Virginity' if women drive. As we know in Saudi the women have to cover their faces completely. Can you even imagine living in a country where men have so much power over women, that they cannot show their faces or drive a car?[2]

At the same time Obama does the bidding of Saudi, and Russia is standing with Iran and Syria. The war of the Islamic religion and Israel is in the middle of it. Israel is like the child in between two parents having an argument about who and what is right. Ultimately, who suffers in that situation? The child. The child that just wishes for the parents to stop fighting each other, and be at peace with one another. To love one another as the LORD God loves all children.

The people of Islamic countries tortures Israel, in the same way that it tortures its own women. Muslims and Jews have said they are brothers. They're more like husband and wife that can't get along or live together, so one partner has to leave. As we know, sometimes a partner can create torture upon another so that they have no option but to go. It gets to a point that it is simply not healthy to live in such a negative situation, and as we can see with London death can be the result.

The Jewish wife is living with the Islamic husband, that is killing Israel for the honor of Islam. The Jewish wife will never understand why a man that she loves would treat her that way. Nor could she understand if it was her brother. Are Islamic women any different to the Jewish wife? Diana Nammi shows us that Islamic women are just as concerned about the good health of Islamic women, as Jewish women are for their own.

So is it a relationship between a husband and wife, or is it more like two male lovers in bondage to S&M? Neither orthodox Muslims or Jews are liberated, most of them don't even know what the true meaning of freedom is. In fact, the orthodox religionists torture themselves, and the atheists do the same, that is what happens if and when people have belief systems instead of knowing.

There is no honor in orthodox religion, there is no honor in torturing women or each other.

In the NT it speaks of the cost of following a real spiritual teacher that is a Son of God. In Matthew 8 it tells you that he drove out spirits with a 'word', that also aligns with in the beginning was the word. Did he use the same word when he was healing all of the people, like he did when he healed the child?

Peter told Jesus Christ that he would follow him wherever he went. It is written that Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” In other words, there was nobody in the earthly realm that he could turn to, nobody that could really help him. As we know the term Son of Man is a term of endearment for a prophet. 

It is written that he then helped two men that were violent and they said to him, 'What do you want from us, Son of God? they shouted. "have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?" Clearly, these people knew that 2,000 years ago it wasn't the appointed time for the end of the last days. The prophecies predicted that the herald would come at the appointed time and that they would run with the prophecy by explaining it and sharing it. That particular prophecy is about the oil rich nations that are plundering the rest. The chosen herald provided the commentary in 2009 at the appointed time for us to do so. That prophecy is about Islam. 

After Lovingkindness had done what the people had asked of him, they pleaded with him to leave their region. Clearly, they were afraid of the sheer power of the abilities that had been given to him. People are afraid of that which they do not understand, and it is the same with spirituality. Mention the word 'spiritual' and watch the people move away or change the subject. 

Also in Matthew chapter 8 it mentions the words of Isaiah 'He took up our infirmities, and bore our diseases'. The bible translators of the NIV associate this with Isaiah 53. However, there is no evidence anywhere that the Lute of Lovingkindness had a skin disease or any other disease.

The contradictions continue because where does it state anywhere in the New Testament or in any in other scripture that Jesus Christ had any infirmity? Infirmity is a bodily weakness or ailment that is especially related to old age. It relates to a frailty and physical weakness co-created by disease. Why have Christians never questioned this reality? Are they so attached to their orthodox beliefs that their eyes are closed to what is written in black and white?

So did Jesus Christ take up their infirmities and disease upon himself? The Jewish people knew that it was not the appointed time, and that the one that would be like Moses would have the skin disease, like him.

We have an Islamic religion that is harming their own women and children due to their religious beliefs. We have Judaism harming their own children due to their religious beliefs, and orthodox Christians that are simply not open to hear the truth, so they go to war instead.

The orthodox have caused so much pain and suffering, so much torture for the sake of belief. Is that belief worthy of the children of the world?

The other place that the word 'torture' appears is in Revelation chapter 9 and it mentions the torture for five months. In ancient Judaism a month can he a year, so one can view it as five years and it relates to the first woe. Their tails were like stingers, like Scorpions, their king was the destroyer and as we know the three woes and the destroyer is to do with the USA. The chapter also tells you that after everything they had done and experienced, they still did not repent. They did not return to the sacred. I was shown that prophecy in 2006 prior to the Lebanon -v- Israeli war. 2006 plus five years = 2011. Surely, the torture of scorpions must come to an end now. There must be no torture of anyone by anyone, because it is torture that co-creates infirmity and death. Hence why so many people in the military end up with infirmities in old age.

So where was Obama in 2006? In June 2006 he was giving a speech on religion and politics. Let us look at the words that he used. He told his audience that 'the democrats have taken the bait'. 'constitutional principles tie our hands'. He said that 'Liberals are irrational or intolerant'. He described the American people; as people with a 'hunger that goes beyond any particular issue or cause'. A nation with a 'Chronic loneliness'. He then told the people that he had not been raised into a religious household and then introduces Islam into the speech.

He then mentions president Lincoln and 'Judgement of the Lord' and that is followed by his words about  'callousness and 'imperfections of man.' He mentions the removal of guns in the inner cities, that is then followed with an example of 'disrespect' and he gives the analogy of a young man with a hole in his heart. 'A hole that the government cannot fix'.

That is then followed with 'dangerous', 'inauthentic expressions', 'off rhythm to the choir. 'Pretending that they're something that they're not'. 'Call to sacrifice'. He continually speaks about 'need' and 'want'. 'We're no longer just a Christian nation'. 'The Defense Department would not survive the application of the Sermon on the Mount'. 'Religion does not allow for compromise'. 'Uncompromising commitments'. 'Prejudices'. 'Democratic boilerplate language'. Obama feels 'pang of shame'. [3]

Now Obama mentioned 'pretending' and as the LORD said a few years ago. 'There is only one contender, the rest are pretenders'.

Did Obama get rid of and put an end to torture in the USA or the Middle East? No. Just look what happened to the Libyan leader. Did he speak the truth about Bin Laden? We all know that the Prime Minister of Pakistan told David Frost in 2007, on US TV that Bin Laden was dead, and was killed on
their border. Within weeks of the revelation being shared, the dear lady was murdered.

The truth will set them free.

Are you ready for the solutions?



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