Friday 2 December 2011


After writing the post on Isaiah 32 and the Liberals, [1] we then made the post on Ron Paul and the Heroin. Following that there was a discussion with Americans who perceive that legalizing drugs relates to freedom. We informed them that drug taking is the complete opposite to freedom and liberation. Some feel that I stand against the USA, as I told them many times, if I did not care fully for the USA and its children, I would not even be here having this discussion with you.

The message was delivered in the same way, that I have been delivering messages to the USA to pre-warn them since 2007. I asked them with all my heart to put the children first and to make them their first priority and now it is over to them.

We have done everything we can to help them in this timeline as ordained to do.

Then when I returned to my email box, there was an email from Israel and the email was called 'Venus is calling' and its about a call for a global mayan gathering on the 6th of June 2012.

Goodness gracious me, on the day I post about Isaiah 32, the Liberals, the prophecy also mentions that there will be no gathering. Then that email arrives from Israel straight afterwards announcing a global gathering. Clearly, the LORD is giving everyone a message.

The other aspect that pinged out at me is the fact that June 2012 is also 42 months since the start of Obama's presidency and inauguration. 42 months is mentioned in Rev 11 and Rev 13.

42 months will also be the anniversary of when he attacked Pakistan four days into his presidency at Chinese New Year.

The LORD had pre-warned us about the attack the previous November in 2008. Plenty of warning so we were able to give the message to a lady from Pakistan.

Now what on earth would stop a global gathering? One of two things. The LORD giving us instructions that it must not go ahead, or Obama and his war. Isaiah 32 speaks against the Liberals and that the name will exist no more. What on earth would create that to happen? Obama and his war. Obama came into his presidency giving orders to strike another nation unprovoked, and it looks like he will go out of his presidency the same way.

I always used to say that about love relationships, if they come in fast, they usually leave fast. The way it begins, is usually the way that it ends. In other words, if a man leaves another woman for you, he will leave you for another woman. Hence why good virtue, good values, integrity and principles are essential at this crucial time of the transition of humanity.

However, what I am concerned about is the fact that something very important will stand in the way of the gathering, and it could be a major war that will impact on the USA. One of the last visions to do with  the USA that I was given, there was a coffin on the white house lawn and it had the american flag on it.

There are two important aspects to the Isaiah 32 prophecy.

1. No gathering
2. No liberals

Something major is going to happen in June 2012. The other aspect is that the day and month of the gathering that is being called for is '66' and that also relates to Obama and the man 666.

6+6 = 12 and that is the number of the victim. There is also a route 66 in the USA.

The 6th of June is also the 'Day of the Visionary' and it comes in the week of 'New Language'. What other language does Obama speak? Arabic.

The full date number is 665, that means that the 6th of June 2013 will be a 666 date.

In Greek gematria 665 is the value of 'adversary' and 'sin'. Who is the adversary? Those that stand against the Virgin and the righteous ones. In Hebrew gematria it is the value of 'Cut' and 'End'. Who cuts the end? Those that circumcise children, those that cut the flesh of children after they are born, are the adversaries of the LORD's Messenger of the Covenant that he sent for the children. As such, they bring upon themselves what is coming to be. They were warned time and time again. Yet, the nations still carry on in their own way. As the LORD said 'They will not get their own way, the King is not allowing'.

In October, we also made a post regarding Jerusalem and how the LORD spoke of their sins. The people ignored the prophecies, they did not take it to their heart. Even though the prophecies of the Jewish prophets warned them over and over again.

People were also informed that they had to be living ecologically and self-sustainably by 2012, is that because what is going to happen in June? Once again, they did not support the divine plan and the will of the LORD, now everyone will pay the consequences for not doing so.

Let us pray that everyone has a change of heart before it is too late.



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