Tuesday 13 September 2011


After I made a post on the evacuation being planned in the Canaries, the Americans took notice of it because the scientists say it could impact on them. That is the way of America in my experience, as the LORD God said 'An apple a day will not save the day, do not count on them'.

The Canaries is a major European holiday destination, and many Europeans live there. The people of the Canaries depend upon tourism to survive economically. There is also incredible wildlife there and many dolphins, when I was leaving La Gomera they were dancing both sides of the boat.

The Canaries are volcanic Islands and we also made the post about staying away from the ash mountains, because I had been shown an Ash mountain last weekend.

The people that live in the Canaries are like many other Islanders, they are proud people. During my three visits there last decade, it was made clear to me by the people themselves, that they view themselves as distinctly different from the Spanish. As far as they are concerned they are not Spanish, and are sure of their connection with Atlantis, and that the Islands they inhabit chipped off from the Mayan lands.  Also interesting that Plato who spoke about Atlantis also visited the Canaries.

Beautiful humble people live in the Canaries and they include rainbow warriors and healers. The last tine I was there was with my mother in December 2003. I met up with the Hindu family again, and a man that had a strong connection with Quan Yin.

Last night some of the Americans began to speak about conspiracy theories and prophet Isaiah warned about not making everything into a conspiracy. Hence, why I do not speak of conspiracy, I speak of truth and support the truth movement.

I checked to see if the animals have been responding to the extensive earth quaking in the Canaries, and the dolphins are not beaching, there does not appear to be what as become known as fish kills either.

Would they beach if they considered what happens in that region, is in the best interest of the long term impact for the sea kingdom and its chi? Probably not. The animals usually respond if and when commanded to do so, or when they are responding to an alien sonic activity in their habitat.

The last time there was activity like that is in 2002, and there is mention of the 14 whales that beaked in the Canaries. Number 14 is to do with challenge, media and communication.

So then I looked to see if there was anything going on between Spain and the Canaries politically at the moment. To see if there was anything to be gained by a landslide in the Canaries politically.

It brought up a link to do with Israel, Spain and votes for Palestinian acceptance at the UN. It was reported in June that the Israeli Defence Minister was warning of a 'tsunami in September'. Was it simply a figure of speech? Or does Israel know something that the rest of Europe doesn't?

Remember last year the LORD God predicted that there would be a 'Tsunami of Pain'. After I posted the information from him telling us that the Rabbi's have broken the covenant. I then saw what the Israeli Defence Minister had said, the LORD spoke again and he said 'You are going to lambast Israel now'. 

I had never heard the word lambast before, and it means to 'reprimand or scold'. Like when a child is doing something that they should not do, and you simply have no choice but to discipline them.  Like when a child refuses to hold your hand when crossing the road, and they put themselves in danger of the oncoming car or truck.

Like when parents scold their children for not doing their homework, or for not being careful in their thoughts, words and deeds. In this case, we only ever reprimand people, if it is for their best long term interest, we do not do so lightly and always with pure intention.

It is always done with a sincere and loving heart, as many of my peers lived to know its experience. I was not sent for fun, but to kick their butts into the right gear and direction. A kick start if you like and prefer the term, like the navigator that helps the pilot. To bring them to account, and to ensure that they were on the right track for their highest good. A few years ago the LORD asked me to speak to the Americans and he said 'Tell them you have come to reboot humanity, they will understand that'. 

No surprise then that the word LAMB appears in the word lambast, and the soferim of the lamb came up a lot in the crop circles this year. The first part of the word is also LAM and that is a Hebrew letter. In  the ancient pictographs, it is a symbol that looks like a J for Joseph, and it is the shepherds staff that defends the gentle and tender hearted souls from predators.


I have to admit, I do not feel like lambasting anyone at the moment, I feel more like all the true prophets have done, when the people simply refuse to listen and do the will of the LORD God.

In 2007, God said 'The Jews will lose because they did not listen to SAUL' and Saul means 'asked for', prayed for'. I shared this message with Israel and of course they did not wish to hear it. Just like other people from other nations do not like to hear the truth.

I pondered on the meaning of SAUL because I do not know anyone with that name. So what does asking for and praying for have to do with me?

At the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003, (a global spiritual gathering predicted in the bible took place) a spiritual Israeli author came to meet me in Florence, he arrived two days before I did. He prayed for two days on the River Arno, for the one that the Jewish people had been asking for. Hence, my life changed completely afterwards, they got what they prayed and asked for, and the world was told at that time that every wish made that night would be granted.

He and I have not been in communication since 2007. However, I am convinced that he is SAUL, the reincarnation of SAUL.

The most amazing aspect about King Saul in ancient times
is reported to be his size and stature, he was incredibly tall
and well built. Much like the LORD God himself when he
manifests and allows me to see him.

Now in the biblical story of King Saul there was also David who became King, and there were numerous men called David in my life at that time, they were all from the UK, some English and some Scottish, all from the land of Joseph. One of them is a reincarnation of the biblical prophet, Zechariah and another is the reincarnation of King Solomon.

In the story of Saul it is written that he was not respected because he was not wealthy, even in those times people were judged by their wealth. Humanity have not changed much have they? So the prophet Samuel lambasted the people; as all true prophets are compelled to do in these kinds of situations.

Now I am calling SAUL, he does have a divine appointment, just like he knew he had an engagement with God in 2003, with the rest of the global spiritual community, including myself.

He as important work to do to put things right dauntlessly.

All those that asked for me and prayed for me, it is your responsibility, it is your co-creation with the LORD God.

You cannot stay silent in pure intention, you cannot deny what you have experienced, you
cannot ignore what is happening to Israel
and the rest of the nations.

Sons of Light you must act, you must help me, you must come to my aid
if you wish to overcome the sons of darkness.

You must do the will of the LORD God and honor the help that you
asked and prayed for.

I am limited to how much I can intervene to help you all, if you do not do what is asked of you.

As the LORD God said 'It is not a one-way street'. 

'The King is not allowing'. 

In this video of King Saul, it mentions the bread and wine, the Israeli author (healer) also brought, bread and wine to the ceremony in Florence, for the involvement of the group in an ancient Jewish tradition.

It mentions how the Spirit of God would come over him, he was given a new heart. In this life time, he is a highly qualified healer, that works with people who have experienced tragedy and trauma. Love beyond measure to Saul.




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