Sunday 1 April 2012

GMO Scientists transgress Spiritual Law

Recently we reported on American scientists releasing killer mosquitos in Florida, now the Brits are at it. The Daily Mail ask 'Why are British scientists playing God by breeding genetically modified mosquitos? Are we prepared for the consequences?"

Oxitec is a British bio-research company that pioneers new methods of fighting the deadliest killers mankind has ever known: malaria. No coincidence then that the disease is connected to Ancient Egypt, does it remind you of the biblical plagues in the time of Moses? 

The report shares with us that 'Genewatch put up fear about the Asian Tiger Mosquito'  that spreads the Malaria, and Oxitec are transgressing the Spiritual to combat the 'fear' that has been co-created. 

If I remember correctly prior to going to Egypt I had to take malaria tablets. So if we already have a prevention method to defend the people from Malaria, why play with nature that always backfires on man? Oxitec exist to make money, and the only way that this type of bio-research can justify genetically modifying the insects is if 'fear' is raised. 

No surprise then that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are in the frame and they have funded such research. Jeremy Irons and Annie Lennox also campaign on behalf of the Global Fund. As such, they shall be judged for the following: 

1. Funding research that transgresses the spiritual law of God. 
2. Funding research that transgresses the law of natural selection. 
3. Funding research that transgresses the natural environment and the eco-system of the planet. 

Well we have news for the scientists, the people are not buying into any 'fear based' methodology anymore. The people are becoming dauntless, and more and more are accepting natural selection.  If people travel to countries that have tropical diseases, then they have to be prepared in advance, simple as that. However, there are some scientists that purposefully bring insects that create tropical diseases into this country. So how did the Asian Tiger Mosquito get into the UK then? The article doesn't say. 

Then there is another story of how the Chinese Beetle, a tree killer poses the biggest threat to woodlands since Dutch Elm disease in the 1970's. Its called the great invasion. Now we know that the British government would like to create new communities and to do that they would have to get rid of trees that the British public would never agree to. So is it possible that the British Government is instrumental in ensuring that trees are destroyed by tree killer beetles? I wouldn't put it past them, successive British governments have sold everything that belongs to the British people, and they are running out of things to sell. Hence why they're even prepared to sell your medical records to the corporations.

Oh and they've sold the Olympic Village to Qatari as well. 

As far as the GMO scientists are concerned, heavy, heavy karma. You shall be judged by the LORD God almighty. 



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