Sunday 23 December 2012

Ball, Baron and the Rothschilds

Let's have a little look at the Tory Cllr, Tony Ball shall we? He has been leader of the Basildon District Council since 2009. Tony Ball has approached Gypsy Council president Richard Sheridan with an offer to meet him and Tory MP John Baron at the House of Commons in the New Year.

Baron is ex British Army, and then became a merchant banker, sounds like there is some property development involvement and they're looking to cut a deal. He studied, law, history and politics at Cambridge. He went to Jesus college, how about that! Big smiles, it is great pity that he still lives under the rules of the elemental spiritual forces that include the fairies, goblins and 'lost boys', clearly, he had never read the bible or understood it. For if he had he would not stand against the travellers. Does he not remember that Jesus sang that he had a home, but he had no home, there was nowhere for him to lay down his head?

Don't you just love it, Baron worked for Rothschilds Asset Management. His website calls Dale Farm illegal. Well that does not bode well for talks does it John Baron? You know about the military don't you? They give their allegiance to the British monarchy, not to the people of the land that they are paid to serve. John Baron was a member of Iain Duncan Smith's front bench team, and he should be locked up for crimes against humanity.

The dispute is over five-acres of Greenbelt of which 96 families reside. Has we know, the government is after greenbelt land to build new houses so any claim that Ball or Baron make upon this land is illegal. Greenbelt land of the UK actually belongs to the people.

Baron has been standing against the travellers and tried to introduce a private bill that was unsuccessful and Sheridan makes a valid point that Baron's own home stands on land that was previously part of the Billericay Greenbelt zone, it was released to meet rising housing requirements. John Baron is a perfect example and proof that the government going after green belt land; has nothing to do with housing the poor. Its about giving more land to the property developers. Land that belongs to the people, the indigenous people of this land of Joseph. Our land is not for sale John Baron!

'Meanwhile, lawyers acting for Dale Farm have won permission to submit an appeal to the High Court for a hearing that might reverse a Southend County Court ruling which effectively bars homeless Travellers from obtaining accommodation compatible with their traditional culture and life-style.
Dale Farm families have without exception refused to move into council houses and flats offered by Basildon District Council because they wish to go on living in their own mobile-homes and caravans and to preserve the unity of the community.
Both Labour and Liberal councillors have recently denounced Basildon’s Tory administration for taking an unnecessarily hard-line against some hundred homeless Traveller and Romani families in the district. One councillor compared current policy to Nazi ethnic cleansing.' 

It seems that Ball cannot go ahead with his plans without central government funding and backing. Hence, it certainly looks like they are going to try to cut a deal.

Well I have this message for Ball and Baron, the LORD God said 'NO COMPROMISE'. The travellers are not required to do any deal with you, they do not have to compromise with you.

So best you surrender to the will of the LORD God, for every knee shall bow to his will for the people to be free.

John Baron was born in the Chinese Year of the Earth Pig and we all know about their animal farm don't we. The bible warned against eating the pig, so we shall have none of you John Baron. Jesus Christ also warned his followers about given the pearls to swine. Fancy that John Baron, the earth pig is a swine!


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